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on August 21, 2019
So, for the Eohippus OC I’m making, thinking of having her have been frozen in like... the ice in the frozen north maybe? Or maybe the Crystal Empire? And some uh, random explorers find her, and start trying to dig her out? But uh yeah, she was probably frozen for quite a while, dug out, doesn’t know the language now, and is just.... super fucking confused now
She’s missing her family since, you know... they’re all extinct?
Have the bab
Dimension: 1200 x 900
File Size: 987.05 Kb
8 people like this.
Marcus Amai
Like August 21, 2019
Imma play her on this profile
Like August 21, 2019
Princess Neon Synthwave
I think this is absolutely adorable
Like August 21, 2019
Ok, her name is Shenandoah now.
Like August 21, 2019