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on November 5, 2019
Vanil going with that queen bee aesthetic.
Credits to hrao1 from deviantart for this blessed piece.
In Album: Vanilla hors
Dimension: 943 x 875
File Size: 204.9 Kb
11 people like this.
Carmen Gumshoe
she’s bee-autiful
Like November 5, 2019 Edited
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"Yeeeeah..didn't work. I'll get the door for you" she said, holding a door open while gesturing him to exit while he still has dignity. She's also relieved because she has no other bee-related puns besides that and the first ten minutes of Bee Movie.
Like November 5, 2019
Carmen Gumshoe
Carmine decides to belt out one last attempt before leaving for good. “I’ll BEE GONE!” he was never seen again after that day.
Like November 5, 2019
Crap, that was a half-decent pun. Goodthing she doesn't have to reciprocate, ever!
Like November 5, 2019 Edited
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
"I see you got that Neo vibe going."
Like November 5, 2019
She looked as if she was about togo off on him, but instead it seemed like she was inhaling for a bit too long as she refrained from doing so, that would make a bad image for such a dress. "Close enough"
Like November 5, 2019
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
Gradient was doing it in purpose, he was wearing that obnoxious grin, just asking to be slapped across the face.
Like November 5, 2019
Ice Wisp
Like November 5, 2019
Vanil looked around, then to what she had been wearing all along "Oh right. Yes, it is I, THE QUEEN! Uhh...queen of what again?"
Like November 5, 2019
Ice Wisp
You bee the queen. Heh. HEEEH
Like November 5, 2019
"I've seen better Queens."
Like November 5, 2019
"I'll have to agree with that. My entire wardrobe doesn't even hold a candle to what the Princesses wear for the Galloping Gala. Oh...I made myself sad.
Like November 5, 2019
"Don't be sad! ... I can't feed off that."
Like November 5, 2019
"Then maybe throw a compliment instead of comparing me with powers I cannot rival!"
Like November 5, 2019