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on January 25, 2020
"Ya called?"
Dimension: 1200 x 896
File Size: 159.86 Kb
8 people like this.
Ice Wisp
"Yes, actually!" Ice nodded before shoving a spoonful of marinara sauce into Seir's mouth, "I'm trying a new recipe...does the sauce need anything? More basil, perhaps?"
Like January 25, 2020
Seir gets a spoonful of marinara shoved into his mouth. He struggles to swallow but eventually does get it down. He coughs a bunch. "It needs less salt!"
Like January 25, 2020
Bright Brave
Sí. *pew*
Like January 25, 2020
Elizabeth was happily enjoying her evening tea before this creature appeared, she looked at it in distaste very much not liking her tea time to be disturbed, with a flash of her eyes the creature was teleported to the middle of the ocean. Elizabeth resumes her tea time.
Like January 25, 2020
Yami Crosshide
yea....clean your damn room
Like January 25, 2020