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Honey Glow
on January 25, 2020
Dimension: 936 x 649
File Size: 837.71 Kb
3 people like this.
Starlight's in the right tier S tier tier list
Like January 25, 2020
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Honey Glow
Luna is better than Celestia! That is my opinion. xD
Like January 25, 2020
An objectively wrong opinion ^.^
Like January 25, 2020
Honey Glow
That, sir, is a paradox!
Like January 25, 2020
Chiller Sway
You don't like Sandbar?
Like January 25, 2020
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Chiller Sway
Hmm. Not a bad take actually. I liked how he brought Equestrian tradition into the group a bit. Then the series ended. Some great character development those characters were allowed to have
Like January 25, 2020
Chiller Sway
Also who can forget the time about "That one time my doll almost fell into the fire"
Like January 25, 2020
Honey Glow
I just would had liked to seen more of the history of Zebras in regards of the show.
Like January 25, 2020
Aqua Blossom
This is how you start a war
Like January 25, 2020
Honey Glow
I welcome that!
Like January 26, 2020
Glimglam, baconhair,sandbar,=F Golly, cheese sandwich, owlicious = D The CMC, Appul, Yellow quiet = C Marshmellow, skittles, ponks =B Twiggles, Sunbutt, Moonbutt =A... View More
Like January 25, 2020 Edited
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Honey Glow
She got closer than Chrysalis ever did though.
Like January 26, 2020
Chrysalis SUCCEEDED. Glimmer did not.
Like January 26, 2020
Honey Glow
I was just ranking by how much I liked every creature.
Like January 26, 2020