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Strong Whooves
on February 26, 2020
I mean... It didn’t feel that long...
Dimension: 1112 x 2208
File Size: 560.44 Kb
9 people like this.
You monster. You shouldn't have come back at all.
Like February 26, 2020
Strong Whooves
The pain of coming back to my dying town was to much to bare I must right my wrongs.
Like February 26, 2020
Dude you have less than a month til NH why would you even
Like February 26, 2020
Strong Whooves
I must do what I can for my town till I fly to my deserted island never to see them again.
Like February 26, 2020
They really be calling you out tho
Like February 26, 2020
Strong Whooves
I know! The first animal I talked to was so angry at me that I couldn’t talk to them for the whole day
Like February 26, 2020
Spec Steele
Bruh holup is that an OG Blue 3DS?
Like February 26, 2020
View 3 more replies
Strong Whooves
Dang! I had a OG Baby Blue DSI. It went through many adventures of Pokémon with it. From Diamond to Soul Silver and all the way to White and back to Platinum. I brought that thing with me everywhere. Then when the day the 3DS was announced it was time for a trade in. What I have in the pic is what I... View More
Like February 26, 2020
Oh dang! I wish I could do that! I still only have two Pokémon games, but I’ve almost completely finished them both, trying to complete the Pokédex on them really.
Like February 26, 2020
Spec Steele
oof, the DSi XL was also a wet dream, tho I'm torn between getting the blue one or the Mario 25th Anniversary one... All my handhelds up to this point have been blue, but... that Mario one tho...
Like February 26, 2020
Silver Lining
Aw man brings me back when I played new leaf sadly for me I'm 99% sure someone stole it from me I just hope they're taking care of my villagers which to be honest I dont think they are anymore at this point
Like February 27, 2020