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Other. Lives in Unknown,  Beyond Equestria. Born on March 6, 1993
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Just my OOC account recommend fucking off.
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus clung to a green vine that grew out of silver pipe that hidden behind the pony. He would smile at them. He would then pass a large gift to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Ayo wtf
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Calaco Fleethoof
I forgot to close the door
Like March 8, 2024
We've been over this like five times now at this point you just want me to steal your dam guacamole
Like March 8, 2024
Calaco Fleethoof
And yet again, you don't have to steal it. You can just ask.
Like March 8, 2024
Little Leaf
honestly true
Like March 9, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
I look away for 5 minutes, I accidently see a gorgon have turned me into stone. I'm back to flesh and blood now.
Like March 9, 2024
crack muthafuckin croakaine my dood
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Rough Winds
Like October 14, 2023
Ink steals whatever the fuck you were baking in the oven one second before the timer goes off. It's hers now.
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Ink succesfully stole... bones? But they are not chicken nor fish bones. They seem to be... pony bones
Like October 13, 2023
She proceeds to construct a little totem with gryphon feathers and entrails, hopefully warding off any visitors.
Like October 13, 2023
Calaco Fleethoof
"Hey?! That's my pie. Go take somepony elses."
Like October 13, 2023
She fucking backflips out a window, farting as she goes. She will not be contained. His fault for making such a delectable pie.
Like October 13, 2023
Calaco Fleethoof
"Oi..." He started but she was already out the window and down a 100 foot drop to the everfree forest below. "Well there goes that mare and my pie... Did she fart?" He waved his wing to blow the smell out of the window.
Like October 13, 2023
Inside the oven was... Clay, As The ling was learning how to use the craft without ruining his fur.
Like October 13, 2023
Ink feels rather stupid, she's already taken a bite...and has a mouth full of clay. Well doesn't she look dumb. Idiot.
Like October 16, 2023
The Ghostling would've taken a picture of this, Before Running away with a smirk on his face.
Like October 16, 2023
Knight Wolf
Ink gets shot as she runs away, Knight smiles holding a shot gun with a smoking barrel "Thief... now.. whose house is this?"
Like October 13, 2023
The zebra literally walks out of her back, fake pair of legs, before bucking, farting and running away. "YOUR MOM'S HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUSEEEEEEEEE!"
Like October 16, 2023
Have you ripped ass at your local Denny's this week
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Amy Callihan
I don't go to Denny's cos it always smells like ass. The duality of man.
Like September 20, 2023
Well yeah, cause people are ripping ass Like sorry, but the work must be done
Like September 21, 2023
Amy Callihan
Don't wanna go in cos it smells like shit. Wanna go in so it smells like shit. Both are ultimately valid and realistic. Thank the flying spaghetti ball that we have TROOPERS to walk amongst the gas.
Like September 21, 2023
Listen amidst all the discourse about non-MLP characters on the site, I propose a humble alternative intended to better the site and its members as a whole! LITERALLY nominate me as site RP police. I... View More
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Iko Ikata
This is the only well thought out solution to this made up problem that I've yet to see
Like August 28, 2023
Like August 28, 2023
Who are you again?
Like August 28, 2023
"being too cringey" my brother in celestia we are pretending to be ponies on the internet
Like August 28, 2023
I am on the one who moderates the cringe
Like August 28, 2023
Those who have the most experience are the most qualified
Like August 28, 2023
Amy Callihan
Who is the one who moderates the one who moderates the cringe. Who moderates the moderator who is moderating the cringe. Who is moderating the moderator who is moderating the person who moderates cringe. Today we enter... THE CRINGE ZONE.
Like August 29, 2023
A system of checks and balances like ponykind has never known
Like August 29, 2023
Sooooooooooooooooooooo how's everyone's Purge...
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The Outsider
I remain lore accurate: sitting by my corner, watching as things unfold, for I've nothing to fear myself.
Like August 24, 2023
You have me to fear Kneecaps don't grow back
Like August 24, 2023
The Outsider
Your arse won't either.
Like August 24, 2023
Calaco Fleethoof
Whatever do you mean?
Like August 24, 2023
You're mom
Like August 24, 2023
Calaco Fleethoof
Hmm, I see. Have you tried the mouse traps?
Like August 24, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
I'm staying in the bunker, like a good pony.
Like August 24, 2023
Iko Ikata
Like August 24, 2023
Yeah but have you ever had an itchy butthole and farted so good it didn't itch anymore?
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Back to your gas posting shenanigans already?
Like July 29, 2023
Oh you bet I love fart jokes Best part is I have a fiancee now, who also loves fart jokes You really do get what you deserve in life c:
Like July 29, 2023
This is your daily reminder that Ice Wisp will steal your sphincters if allowed to.
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Ice Wisp
... :(
Like July 27, 2023
Sorry dude someone had to let them know.
Like July 28, 2023
Vy Thresh
Alas, a day late and a sphincter lighter
Like July 27, 2023
Queen Lesa
Like July 27, 2023
Snow Storm
Like July 28, 2023
Today's writing prompt is a cover letter. That's right. I'm prepping you for adult life. Write me a cover letter explaining why I should hire you at my morgue.
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Rough Winds
heyyy glad to see you back!
Like July 27, 2023
Darren Cuffs
Dear sir or mad'am. Please accept this letter as an expression of my interest in the Diener position. I am a highly motivated and progress-focused Police Sergeant with a long-standing background. With a track record of dependability and forward thinking initiative, I have devised strategic initiat... View More
Like July 27, 2023
Moister than banana bread tbh
Like July 27, 2023
Ephemeria Spring
my creativity for the day has been burnt, but I will say that I am enthusiastic on nibbling on the toes of cadavers for the betterment of society's future
Like July 27, 2023
...hired With side eye
Like July 27, 2023
Knight Wolf
Because your hiring and im willing to work in a morgue for the price your paying
Like July 27, 2023
Mid-tier, application denied and I'm calling the IRS
Like July 28, 2023
Knight Wolf
Youre calling the irs to tell them you wont hire me at your morgue because you think you deserve better... guess its easy unemployment for me then
Like July 28, 2023
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