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Silver Lining

Male. Lives in A city,  Canterlot,  Equestria. Born on July 29, 1997
Appears as a Unicorn but is actually a changeling
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Ponysquare Refugees
442 Members
Ponies of Pony Town
101 Members
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus rode on the back of a large moving rock that was moving toward the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus bounced on his tail like it was a pogo stick toward the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Silver Lining
Silver contemplates something in his head and then nods to himself, afterwards he turns over to face you, trots on over and then he gives you a *BAP*
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Lexie Pro
Lexie kicks him in the shin. Hard.
Like April 21, 2020
Silver Lining
He jolts back and grabs his leg "ow ow ow ow! Okay that was a bad idea on my part" he pulled out a small note pad and jotted some notes down "Don't bap ponies they dont seem to be fans to the baps"
Like April 21, 2020
Silver Lining
//been a hot minute since I last posted on here How is everyone in these trying times? I aim to take more focus in rps so my dms are open heck I'm down to just talk to people feel free to hit me up!
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Bored and stressed
Like April 21, 2020
Silver Lining
Yeah, I can definitely relate on that one in my case isolation has brought a few challenges
Like April 21, 2020
Silver Lining
//didnt think my first post would be like this but it happens You ever just have one of those nights where you just sleep like normal and then wake up in the middle of the night and just feel like g... View More
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The Outsider
Aye, hope you feel better, comrade! I'm doin' okay, really thinking about writing C:DDA based stories in one of my empty servers to pass time in this very early tuesday mornin'.
Like February 27, 2020
Silver Lining
Heya and thanks for the concern. Always had an interest in writing stories, what kind of stories are you writing about?
Like February 27, 2020
The Outsider
I write a multitude of character stories and bits, but most of them are never published anywhere. I really like working on backstory and universe lore, roleplaying the actions and feelings of the characters and whatnot, especially when it is all based on a game, such as the aforementioned C:DDA (Cat... View More
Like February 27, 2020
Strong Whooves
Sorry to hear that bud. Hope you get better soon. For me I’m pretty good. Had a 1:30am wake up then waited for some buses till 4:00am I’m now on the bus leaving NTC and going back to my home base.
Like February 27, 2020
Silver Lining
Glad to hear that you are well, sounds like you've had a real busy morning
Like February 27, 2020
Strong Whooves
Oh yeah. Lot’s of packing at 0130 then we rucked to the bus stop and waited, Apple Sauce and Applejacks never tasted so good. Around 0350 to 0400 buses arrived and now we are driving to the airport. So glad to be out of this desert it was not a fun place to live for 2 weeks. Cold nights and hot days... View More
Like February 27, 2020
Bright Brave
STAY strong friend. We are with you.
Like February 27, 2020
Silver Lining
It was a rough night but I'm all good now! Thank you for you're concern the feelings mutual
Like February 27, 2020
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus floated down from an assortment of balloons and land on the ground with a bow.* Hello, I hope you enjoy your time here.
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Nitroxus Soulspins
October 16.
Like February 25, 2020
Silver Lining
Nice, what kind of stuff do you like to do in your spare time?
Like February 25, 2020
Nitroxus Soulspins
I like to invent and burrow in the ground.
Like February 25, 2020
Silver Lining
Oh an inventor and burrowing in the ground I cant say that I met any pony with those hobbies color me impressed *he smiles* As for hobbies myself I like to travel and explore a bit on my free time ... View More
Like February 25, 2020
Nitroxus Soulspins
What kind of detective, something that I should be worried about?
Like February 25, 2020
Silver Lining
One that sticks to their justice I'm only after ponies who do bad stuff So you have nothing to worry about plus in my experience equestria is usually really safe
Like February 25, 2020
Nitroxus Soulspins
Thank goodness, I was worried for a bit there.
Like February 26, 2020
//You have a very cute icon. He looks very lovable in it. ^^
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Silver Lining
Thank you a friend of mine had it commissioned for me a few years ago it is the best artwork I have of him ^u^
Like February 24, 2020
Well it was money well spent. And no problem. :)
Like February 24, 2020
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