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on March 16, 2020
I wanna have a relationship like Trixie’s and Hymn’s... I WANNA BE OPENLY GAY OKAY.
This is just, me being dumb and making Hymn be pony again, and just for this one (possibly), a pegasus. So, yeh
Dimension: 768 x 768
File Size: 149.16 Kb
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Amity Guard
BE AS OPENLY GAY AS YOU WANT. WE SUPPORT Also unicorn horns are pokey and stabby against your face
Like March 16, 2020
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I caaannnt, my grandparents be very religious oof, and they ARE, that’s why it’s hidden on the other side of Hymn’s face
Like March 16, 2020
Amity Guard
damn just hit them with the okay boomer
Like March 16, 2020
I would, but would prolly get thrown out the house then, I live with grandparents, hence why not openly gay lmao
Like March 16, 2020
Dream Vezpyre
Right?? I'd have the gay beat out of me from my parents if I mentioned I had an ounce of feelings for another girl again B)
Like March 16, 2020 Edited
Literally SAME
Like March 16, 2020
Hey to both of y'all: I'm genuinely sorry. That sounds so fuckin' brutal. Love who you love and be as safe as you can about it. <3
Like March 18, 2020