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Icy Creation
on March 17, 2020
(Icy is sad. Lack of milkshakes? Or thinking about her hometown?
More serious note, or question, what would your OC do if they saw Icy like this?)
Dimension: 1200 x 900
File Size: 671.08 Kb
4 people like this.
Bright Brave
Layeth the smacketh down
Like March 17, 2020
Icy Creation
(Explain, I do not yet grasp the concept. Unless you are speaking literally, in which case what the fuck. Also, in which case, he would end up with a flash frozen hoof as it contacted her skin, which can get to temperatures as low as point three kelvin during periods of extreme emotional distress.)
Like March 17, 2020
Bright Brave
Thats nothing. Bright can go absolute zero. 😎
Like March 17, 2020
Pinkamena Diane Pie
Mena would just drink a extra large milkshake in front of her.
Like March 17, 2020
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Icy Creation
Icy turns around, smiling now- mainly because of what she was about to do to a pony who would do such a thing- as her metallic feathers open up to reveal a cold blue glow accompanied by the roar of a blizzard, before dissapearing as PDP is likely temporarily deafened by the sonic boom and covered in... View More
Like March 17, 2020
Pinkamena Diane Pie
Mena looked around mildly confused.
Like March 17, 2020
i call it a upgrade *shows u though a mirror*
Like March 17, 2020
Cloud Would approach with a concerned look and offer anything within his limited power to help, because seeing a smiling pony is much better than a frowning one.
Like March 17, 2020
Dank Pony Child
*Vorx begins to violently shake her.*
Like April 6, 2020