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Aurora Cassiopeia
on April 28, 2020
I feel accomplished with myself. I spent the last... 2-2 1/2 hours coding this meal into existence! UwU Am learning.
Dimension: 1200 x 674
File Size: 207.74 Kb
7 people like this.
Ice Wisp
Fun stuff huh
Like April 28, 2020
Aurora Cassiopeia
Very much so, though quite tedious at times.
Like April 28, 2020
Like April 28, 2020
Aurora Cassiopeia
Be proud of meeeeeeee~! <3 Pretty plez with a bat on top?
Like April 28, 2020
I am proud! So when are you gonna be a CA Dev?
Like April 28, 2020
Aurora Cassiopeia
Ha, about... 6 months if I keep it up? Earlier? I applied for moderator and it's been kinda back and forth because I haven't had a steady way to be online until today.
Like April 28, 2020
ISNT THAT KHAN ACADEMY???? no hate i just havent seen it in a long time
Like April 28, 2020
Aurora Cassiopeia
Yus. I haven't used my account in about 4 years, so I decided I'd actually learn something.
Like April 28, 2020
i havent used it since montessori. those were dark times
Like April 28, 2020
Cally Ber
Did you use ... View More
Like April 28, 2020 Edited
Aurora Cassiopeia
Nu. Though I should have. It's grapes. :P
Like April 28, 2020