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Bright Brave
on June 4, 2020
Dimension: 720 x 585
File Size: 596.73 Kb
5 people like this.
Like June 4, 2020
Cipher Splint
That's probably one of my favorite pictures ever, simply because of the fact I can post it with zero context and confuse 90% of my friends. That and I just imagine a crab dual wielding those vz. 61 SMGs and I love that concept.
Like June 4, 2020 Edited
Captain Sky N Nova
And now it is one of my favorites too.
Like June 4, 2020
Nitroxus Soulspins
Crab Rave has became a Battle Royale.
Like June 4, 2020
Lilly Dawn
made protest signs today with a friend:)
Like June 4, 2020
Bright Brave
Liberty or death. But I'd prefer liberty.
Like June 4, 2020