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on July 14, 2020
"H-hi, sorry I'm a wee bit late." Vanil squeaked to her date - you.
The eyes are little creepy, yes but this is an old piece. Credits to @battflavorednoodles for the blessed cutie patootie.
Topics: vanil, date
Dimension: 875 x 1500
File Size: 804.82 Kb
17 people like this.
Hawt ♥
Like July 14, 2020
You know it
Like July 14, 2020
Amity Guard
Amity gasped as he saw her. He took the hoof of Vanil wife and escorted her to a lovely dinner.
Like July 14, 2020
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Amity Guard
Amity hardly notices the stuttering. Hopefully she wouldn't notice the blissfully goofy smile coming from Amity as he looked at her.
Like July 14, 2020
She's (sort of) dated plenty before so a goofy smile is something she instinctively let slip by. Strengths and flaws shown on the first date aren't definitive in a relationship, how does she know this? That's a story for another time. She'd fumble with words, muttering them out before speaking as if... View More
Like July 14, 2020
Amity Guard
Amity blinked in surprise as he listened to her, quietly and patiently. He couldn't help but smile at the end of her sentence. "Honestly, I've been looking forward to this date as well." He started off saying before he withdrew his goofy demeanor and put on a softer and warmer one. "And I never woul... View More
Like July 14, 2020
Spirit Weaver
Spirit was taken aback. Was she really expecting this? Not really. She'd been flirting off and on with Vanil a lot. Saying that the other was pretty and whatnot. So now... here the girl was... right in front of her. She felt her muscles tense. Like a spring ready to be released. She moved slow, tho... View More
Like July 14, 2020
Vanil, in an act of self conscience, twirls while checking on herself "...oh, I dinnae ken what makes an apparel casual, sorry if its too much!". She then takes a gander at Spirit's clothing and of course the mare in the ratty cloak would receive a judgemental look from a somewhat sophisticated Vani... View More
Like July 14, 2020
Spirit Weaver
The jacket fell across her heavily. Enough so that she actually staggered under the sudden weight of it for a moment. It was small. It was light. But it was much more than she was used to. Much more than the threadbare item she tended to wear. She would gulp softly, before she nodded. She looked bac... View More
Like July 14, 2020
Aww how qwoot
Like July 14, 2020