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Vy Thresh
on July 19, 2020
|| How'd I do? The hair is a bit eh but I was afraid of touching it too much tbh
Dimension: 1200 x 673
File Size: 968.25 Kb
4 people like this.
Chiller Sway
Oh gosh I can't believe this image the hair is so good I don't even know how you did that
Like July 19, 2020
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Vy Thresh
I can teach you my ways. The stamp tool is god. It's been a while since I've used the band-aid tool but I recall it also being amazing.
Like July 19, 2020
Chiller Sway
The spot healing tool can be useful in scenarios, yeah. Although I didn't really learn it very much, I have had situational uses for it.
Like July 19, 2020
Chiller Sway
I'm in the CA Discord server most every hour of the day that I'm not at work. And I stream my Photoshop escapades. That's where you'll find me :eyes: :ok_hand:
Like July 19, 2020
"Oh god. Sway's Editing skill will become unmatched! Invincible! NOTHING CAN STOP HIM! HE'S....THE ULTIMATE EDITOR."
Like July 19, 2020
Vy Thresh
Me too though
Like July 19, 2020
Chiller Sway
wanting to make a contextual reference but Vy wouldn't get it unfortunately
Like July 19, 2020