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Hiari makes a dramatic entrance into your house/workplace. She's wearing a neat brown fedora, and she's here to stop your plan to take over the tri-sate area.
557 x 800
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Cynbel Ferode
Cynbel madly cackles. “Hiari Yakushi... your imperfect timing is throwing a wrench in my plans. And by ‘imperfect’ timing, I MEAN COMPLETELY PERFECT TIMING!”
He pulls out a mobile button and slams down. A cage falls upon Hiari, trapping her.
Or so it would. As soon as the bars make contact with t... View More
September 20, 2020

The Keeper and The Monster
"How about you just give up now before you comically end up stuck inside a plant pot or something?"
September 20, 2020

"Can you leave my studio..?"
September 20, 2020

The Keeper and The Monster
"Not until your plans are foiled."
September 20, 2020

"Please leave my owner's Cottage or-" The ghostling would hold out his left paw with a open palm as a Blue-ish orb appeared out of It "I MAKE YOU"
September 20, 2020

"I'll give you the count of three.... One-" When the ghostling started to count his fur would turn blue and black "Two-" The orb started to glow a pinkish red.
September 20, 2020

The Keeper and The Monster
Hiari allows the Ghostbusters to do their thing while she searches the house.
September 20, 2020

"Three..." As soon as the Ghostling spoke this number a Explosion of pure magic shot out of the orb but he would actually just do it when Hiari finished searching the cottage cause.... He didn't want to be rude.
September 20, 2020

After you break the door down, you hear a yell from deep within the lair triggering security mesures causing a wardoor falls into place where the broken one used to be. Then hidden mega speakers begin to play music with max bass and volume with lights changing and strobing to the music as many diffe... View More
September 20, 2020