Earth Pony, Unicorn
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//PFP by Baby
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Through the snow covered woods of Mount Lunae, three figures trudge. In the back of the trio is Jade Yakushi, 27 y/o daughter of The Keeper. In front of her is The Keeper, and a man dressed in heavy w... View More
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Mount Lunae is no stranger to strange occurrences. Due to the nature of the mountain, unnatural, or unusual happenings are not uncommon. Though, these occurrences usually happen farther up the mountai... View More
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//For the majority of posts on this account, yes. May need to start labeling which of the two characters each post is focusing on though.
-Is covered in a cloak, face hidden from view. She walks into the entrance way from outside, looking to see how many other creatures are there.-
December 15, 2024
A lone coach bus trudges through the snow of the Frozen North. Inside, you begin to rouse from a light slumber as the bus slows to a stop. You approach the front of the bus, and give the elderly drive... View More
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Sprout breathed on her forehooves and rubbed them together. Even by Frozen North standards, she seemed overdressed: approximately two large parkas, way more face protection than was necessary, very furry wing covers, and two layers of boots. She walked up to the desk.
"Yes, I am," she answered, s... View More
December 12, 2024
"Then you've come to the right place." The Keeper reaches under the counter, and produces a key with a tag attached. "Mount Lunae has a way of helping people, even when they don't know exactly what they need. Once, when I was around your age, I needed help too. I came here to the mountain, and well.... View More
December 12, 2024
Ah well, was worth a try. I'm actually here, other than that, to check in for some R&R. Also said you had a job opening? Janitor I think it was?
December 12, 2024
“Hm. I’m not aware of a janitor position open at the moment, but you may want to check with our maintenance head, Tony just in case.” The Keeper stands, and approaches a window on the eastern wall of the reception office. She then points to a large building at the center of the resort. “His office i... View More
December 12, 2024
Shiiiiii-......-sighs.- Course he is. Almost all bloody managers are. Thanks. -Smiles, and heads in that direction. Mumbling to herself.- Common Nightingale, you need this job, can't live in a gods basement with 50 servants forever.....will actually I probably can but also nee spending money. Plus, ... View More
December 12, 2024
"I don't know Asuka. This one seems too... simple."
Hiari receives a huff from her sister. "C'mon Hiari. Since when did you care about appearances?" Hiari has to think for a second about how to resp... View More
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September 30, 2022
The following transcript is of the body camera footage recovered from Special Agent in Charge Evard after the raid on the compound of the "Children of the Broken Path" cult.
Special agent Rosa had been injured before recovered footage begins, and had been evacuated from the compound by Special Agent Garter.
Begin Video Log
Recovered footage begins in a dimly lit hallway. An unknown individual is standing at the end of the hallway, which opens up into what is presumably a large pit.
Special Agent Seraph approaches the individual. No words are spoken.
Special Agent Seraph appears to embrace the indivual.
Special Agent Soot: "The hell's goin' on? You know this guy Seraph?"
Special Agent Seraph produces a knife of unknown make from her kit. She uses this knife to stab the individual in the back. The two then begin to fall backwards into the pit.
Special Agent Hilbert rushes to grab Special Agent Seraph, but is unable to grasp onto her.
Special Agent Seraph and the unknown individual fall into the pit, out of sight.
Silence for 11.4 seconds.
The camera shakes, accompanied by a low, loud groaning sound.
Special Agent Hilbert: "Oh shit man! Fuck! What the fuck is that?!"
Special Agent in Charge Evard gives the order for the team to evacuate the compound.
SAiC Evard allows Special Agent Yakushi to lead the team in their evacuation. The camera shakes constantly, accompanied by the sound of rumbling coming from behind the team.
Rubble begins to collapse in the hallway, nearly crushing Special Agent Yakushi.
Special Agent Soot: "Woah!"
Special Agent Hilbert: "Holy shit!"
Special Agent Soot: "This is fucked man!"
SAiC Evard: "Shut up and move!"
Camera shows a line of 6 individuals walking down the hallway opposite of the team. The lead individual is heavily disfigured, and appears to be wearing ragged robes.
Lead Individual: "The time has come brothers and sisters! Our father has come to show us his glorious path! Let us give ourselves unto his creation so that we may be used for his glorious design!"
The team passes by the individuals, seemingly without any interaction.
Special Agent Hilbert begins to curse loudly.
Special Agent Hilbert: "Fuck! Let go you fucking freaks! Jesus fuck!"
Camera turns to see Special Agent Soot attempting to pull Special Agent Hilbert out of the grasp of the group of individuals. He is unsuccessful in the attempt. A wall of what appears to be muscular tissue is seen rapidly approaching the group, and Special Agent Soot abandons his attempt to rescue Special agent Hilbert.
The camera turns forward. Special Agent Hilbert can be heard screaming for 4.1 seconds, soon followed by panicked screams from the group of individuals. The screams cease after 1.6 seconds.
Team continues their sprint unabated for 2 minutes and 26 seconds.
Special Agent Soot cries out.
Camera turns to see Special Agent Soot lying on the ground, his back left leg caught in a beartrap. The wall of muscular tissue can be seen approaching in the distance.
SAiC Evard begins to turn to assist Special Agent Soot.
Special Agent Soot: "Fuck me Evard! Just go!"
Special Agent Soot is seen priming explosive charges on the ground around himself.
Camera turns back forward.
15.6 seconds pass before Special Agent Soot is heard again.
Special Agent Soot: "Motherfucker!"
A muffled explosion rocks the hallway, causing Special Agent Yakushi to lose her balance. She begins to stumble towards the ground.
SAiC Evard grabs the back of Special Agent Yakushi's vest to allow her to regain her balance, and continue movement.
The two remaining team members sprint for 3 minutes and 37 seconds before emerging from the compound.
Rumbling from behind the camera does not appear to come any closer to the team. The two team members stop next to a tree to rest.
Recovery team approaches around 14 minutes and 11 seconds later.
End Log.
Notes: "Who thought sending a team of regular agents into something like this was a good idea? I'm going to be auditing all of the administrative staff to find out who fucked up this badly, and who needs to personally apologize to the agents involved in this operation, and the families of the diseased. Once you're done with that, you can pack your things, and get out."- Director Law
The body of Special Agent Seraph was found mutilated, and dismembered in the basement of her home 1 week after the conclusion of this operation. Evidence suggests she had been killed at least 2 days before the operation took place. The possibility that the Special Agent Seraph seen in the footage may have been an infiltrated cult member is being investigated.
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Wearing a heavy vest, helmet, and kit wasn't exactly something Hiari was used to. Nor was it something that had ever been expected of her before now. After all, she specialized in undercover operation... View More
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"Brass' got a pretty important job for you." A suited stallion lays a manila folder on Hiari's desk. Dang, and only 10 minutes before Hiari was off for the night. As Hiari reaches to grab the folder, ... View More
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Earth Pony, Unicorn