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((But to those of you still here, hi, I’m looking for new role plays! I’m ok with anything, anyone, and any reply time. I’m very hungry for rp, so please let me know if you’re interested! Stay safe out there.
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☆ p i n k a m e n a ☆ (semi de...
September 21, 2020

Stray Trotter
Sweet! I’m a bit sleepy now, so let’s chat in the morning or just message me and I’ll reply when I can. Thanks for giving me a shot! And if you EVER want to stop, that’s ok too! Maybe the characters just don’t mesh. Don’t wanna pressure you!
September 21, 2020

☆ p i n k a m e n a ☆ (semi de...
Alrighty! And np!
September 21, 2020

☆ p i n k a m e n a ☆ (semi de...
Ill IM you, since you can tell when each other is writing when we’re rping!
September 21, 2020

Obsilion and others
September 21, 2020