Pegasus/Saddle Arabian
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Freelance Artist, will be free between jobs but might suddenly drop off the earth due to tight deadlines for jobs. I’m super friendly, and just wanna make friends and have a good time. Hope we can rp! Any character is ok. Probably.
Roleplay Universe
Flexible, made her a traveler so I can rp with everyone
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User Achievements
((Hey, can I ask for anyone’s help? Just, anyone, ANYONE, I’d love some advice of ANY KIND. I’m having a hard time adjusting myself to pony rp. I do a lot of action and life or death rp, like zombie ... View More
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The Outsider
Goals. Short term, long term, most people have goals on what they want to do with their lives. It might be writing a book, it might be overthrowing an evil empire in lands long forgotten, it might even be a simple 'I need more coffee', but in any case, these are all things that characters will pursu... View More
September 22, 2020
Ephemeria Spring
slice of life is pretty flexible with what you want to do, which mostly equates to goofing around and letting characters be themselves without too much of a looming danger :eyes:
it's good to remember that they gotta split up to their own lives for a moment, many interactions instead of this one hu... View More
September 22, 2020

Minsa Rousain
Ponies don't necessarily need to be slice of life! If that's something you're interested in trying though, my suggestion is find a partner who's got a style similar to your own, or has a style that you like. Talk to them and explain the situation that you want to try but are still getting used to it... View More
September 22, 2020

Spirit Weaver
Horse RP isn't a genre. It's a medium. You can have these horses in life or death situations, still. You can still choose to have an adventure filled with intrigue, drama, and all that. Sure Canon doesn't lend itself to these stories but ... fuck it y'know?
Do ur thing. Have ur fun.
September 22, 2020
Hey hey! How are you? I hope your well!
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Hi! I am doing well. Sorry, but my old RPs started up, and that’s three including one new one, which is my max number. Thanks for the offer though, but I don’t want to be overwhelmed or give you less attention because I’m juggling too much. I hope you are doing well too!
September 21, 2020
((But to those of you still here, hi, I’m looking for new role plays! I’m ok with anything, anyone, and any reply time. I’m very hungry for rp, so please let me know if you’re interested! Stay safe ou... View More
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Sweet! I’m a bit sleepy now, so let’s chat in the morning or just message me and I’ll reply when I can. Thanks for giving me a shot! And if you EVER want to stop, that’s ok too! Maybe the characters just don’t mesh. Don’t wanna pressure you!
September 21, 2020
Ill IM you, since you can tell when each other is writing when we’re rping!
((Hello! Long time no see, I am back. I know I only know like, five people, but still. If you’re still interested in role playing, let me know!
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Work has finally settled (but now I’m worried about money) and I’ll try to get back into the groove. Thanks for your patience everyone!
6 people like this.
//also realized everyone making references to the virus and my pony be here just wandering around cuz she’s a hobo, can’t stay inside when the world is your home.
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//deeeadlines are over and I got stacked with new ones. I was afraid of this happening if I got back into RP. Hopefully it’ll be easier to try in the future, but for now I’m grateful for the work.
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Look at this pretty character!
Quite an unique style, love it, welcome also
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Of course, since we're from the same place, then that won't be a problem to find each other ;p
March 14, 2020
Yeah! Well, she travels and is actually away from Saddle Arabia a lot, but she can still visit from time to time!
Maxh also travels a lot, from home to Equestria, so that's fine, we can meet in any place whenever! do message if you're free we can start stuff.
March 14, 2020
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Artist, Roleplayer
Pegasus/Saddle Arabian