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Commander Wyatt Ryder
on October 24, 2020
Dimension: 554 x 450
File Size: 45.3 Kb
6 people like this.
Dream Vezpyre
Yea I hate you sm. Stimky human. Go pet a mute horse silly human.
Like October 24, 2020
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Commander Wyatt Ryder
Until Wyatt turned in a circle to pat Dream
Like October 24, 2020
Dream Vezpyre
Dream is stunned. She instantly breaks and freezes into a look of surprise.
Like October 24, 2020 Edited
Commander Wyatt Ryder
The ol' fake out
Like October 24, 2020
Ephemeria Spring
i mean you're lucky to not be permabanned long ago, not that i'd attribute much to luck :eyes:
Like October 24, 2020 Edited
Commander Wyatt Ryder
I mean, probably, but I've never done anything permaban worthy, so I suppose you're right, it's less luck and more me managing to not do anything like that, somehow
Like October 24, 2020 Edited
Commander Wyatt Ryder
Besides, being unwelcome here is oddly welcoming, if that makes sense... Feelings of familiarity I suppose?
Like October 24, 2020
((Oof that's rough. At least you're back for a bit yeah?))
Like October 24, 2020
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Commander Wyatt Ryder
(oh damn, really? I'll need to get writing, Wyatt has some attempted flirting to do, or else just fun encounters xP)
Like October 24, 2020
((Not a lot of responses since I've been trying to flesh out the world ink lives in. But a good amount of sketches and comics I think.))
Like October 24, 2020
Commander Wyatt Ryder
(saw those, they look awesome, but I won't necro the posts xD I'll just wait for your next one I think)
Like October 24, 2020