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Ambient Waves
on November 28, 2020
Ambient got a neopet!
Dimension: 1200 x 1200
File Size: 2.49 Mb
7 people like this.
Lavender Dawn
That takes me back. The mobile phone game got so much of my phone credit :’)
Like November 28, 2020
Ambient Waves
I have started the neopets again! It is 67 hrs old! So much nostalgia from kiko racing all the way to hersy bouncr
Like November 28, 2020
Vy Thresh
Aaa, that's awesome!
Like November 28, 2020
i should probably check on mine again.. poor baby kacheek also cute art
Like November 28, 2020
View 2 more replies
even the oldest account from 12 years still has the old neopets
Like November 28, 2020
Ambient Waves
Huh, cause the email I used seemed to have never allowed me to log in so I had to create anew account D:
Like November 28, 2020
your account could be locked for inactivity or password changed by a hacker but i don't recall any neopets ever going away
Like November 28, 2020