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Dream Vezpyre
on December 5, 2020
She just wants to tilt both the enemy team and her team by spamming the "No" voiceline - ᴗ -
Dimension: 1200 x 1560
File Size: 4.77 Mb
15 people like this.
Asuka Yakushi
"C'mon doc! Gimmie some sawdust!" Asuka pleads while smacking the floor with a frying pan. 10 seconds later she simply says "Yeah yeah, thanks!" before collapsing. Wait-
Like December 5, 2020
Meanwhile the Ghostling was just continuesly healing Dream as he wasn't too big on fighting but was great at a Healer!!! about 98% of the time!
Like December 5, 2020
Sarcon Prepare yourselves For a rap battle unlike any you've heard before They've got the wholesome heals The biggest buffs... View More
Like December 5, 2020 Edited
Bright Brave
"You should have picked Mercy."
Like December 5, 2020