Earth Pony
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Artist, Band or Public Figure » Musician/Band
"So, let me get this straight." Asuka's voice is calm, with a hint of concern, and annoyance. Before her stand two stallions/men. One of which has his head tilted upwards with the hose a bike pump sti... View More
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On the grounds of the Winston's Arcane Technologies "Arcanotech manufacturing" plant, a security guard goes about his nightly patrol. The night has been uneventful so far, but with the recent vandalis... View More
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Three days after the grand opening ceremony of Winston Arcane Technologies' headquarters in Vanhoover was ruined by vandalism, a picture of the suspected vandal was going up all over the city. Posters... View More
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Ghost hummed a little tune, Taking the party cone off his head and The Black hoodie off, Before letting out a soft sigh, He didn't really know why He Vandalized that place, But He just had the sudden urge too... Also Who in Equestria wears these Wheel shoes!?, THEY DON'T EVEN HAVE ALL THE WHEELS!!!?... View More
March 13, 2025
The members of Attack on Mango, and their friends, Ruby, and Deena sit in their living room as they watch a movie together. Well, 'watch' was a generous description. It was more like they have it on in the background while they make conversation. Mostly about Ruby's career as a solo artist, and her explaining her history with the band's original 3 members to Scrappy. At some point, Asuka notices something new about her brother, and opts to point it out to the room.
"Hey, Nar. When did you get a smart watch?" At this, Nar lifts his left arm, revealing a sleek smart watch on his wrist. "Oh, Aki gave it to me as a thank you for going to meet her sister with her. I told her I could just buy one myself, but she insisted. Even somehow got it to sync a new app onto my phone that she made herself." Nar then removes his phone from his pocket. He unlocks it, revealing an app that no one in the room has seen before. The icon appears to be a render of a chibi version of Aki, blowing a kiss. The text below labels it as "Ask Aki". Nar then closes his phone, and places it back in his pocket as he lifts his wrist to his mouth. "It's like Siri, but better, because it uses Aki's voice, and calls me stuff like 'dear', 'muffin', and 'sweetheart.' " He pauses for a moment before speaking again.
"Hey, Aki." Then, a little 3d chibi Aki appears on the watch's screen with a "Yes darling?" Asuka is actually quite horrified at how the voice sounds JUST LIKE Aki. Maybe it's actually her, but with how quickly the app responded, she doubts it. "What time is Winston Dreamglow hosting the opening ceremony for his new HQ?" Ruby groans from across the room. "Can we NOT talk about him? PLEASE?!" The little Aki in Nar's watch responds regardless. "It will be televised on channel 5 at 12 PM Vanhoover time, my sweet. Is there anything else I can do for you?" Nar shakes his head. "No thanks." He then looks to Ruby. "Hey, I was just gonna suggest we watch it just so we can call him names and crap. You know? Let everyone vent a little." "Uhg, fine, but I get the remote so I can change the channel when I start to feel sick."
12 PM, Winston Arcane Technologies, Vanhoover.
A large crowd gathers in front of the complex that serves as the new headquarters for Winston's Arcane Technologies. Gates have been set up in front of the courtyard so the crowd cannot enter. At the back of the courtyard stands a massive LED screen, which displays a shot of Winston standing in front of an object covered in a tarp in the middle of the courtyard. He's a fairly tall, lanky unicorn with slick, black hair, and pearl white fur. He wears a sharp white suit jacket over a striking blue button up shirt, with a sharp black tie, white slacks, black dress shoes, and a sleek pair of glasses. Behind the object stands the company's top executives. 5 on each side of the object. On the sides of the courtyard, an orchestra is split into two parts. News anchors in the crowd speak about the opening ceremony, and the excitement of the crowd. Above, a crew of pegasai begin preparations for removing the tarp.
As the clock strikes twelve, the orchestra begins to play, and Winston takes a deep breath.
When Winston speaks, his voice booms through speakers placed along the front of the courtyard, despite no microphone being visible.
"Ladies, and Gentlemen! I would like to thank you all for joining me for this momentous occasion!" The crowd claps in anticipation. "As of today, Winston's Arcane Technologies shall officially begin operations in our new headquarters here in Vanhoover!" The crowd cheers. Winston then goes on a quite long winded speach about how his company started out of an old storage container, and how he's built it up into the global brand it is today. With their arcane technology that 'leads the way to the future', and their line of popular arcane accessories that have 'taken the world by storm.' He even reveals a new product known as the 'Arcanawatch.' In doing so, he asks the watch what the weather will be like tomorrow. It responds by projecting a magical image of a sunny sky, to the delight of the crowd. Though, any unicorn, or mage with even a passing knowledge of magic could tell you this was a basic spell that children learn when first learning magic. Despite this, the crowd is enthralled.
After his speach, Winston motions to the tarp behind him.
"As a token of their appreciation, my investors have graciously decided to commission a statue of myself to act as the centerpiece for this new headquarters!" A blatant lie. Winston's Arcane Technologies has NO investors. Winston is the sole proprietor. Meaning, he bought this for himself. The crowd doesn't seem to know, or really care. They clap, and cheer anyway. "Without further ado!" He motions with an arm towards the tarp, and the pegasai begin to pull the tarp away. Sunlight reflects off of glittering gold underneath. The crowd begins to cheer even more than they had before! Only, after the tarp is fully removed, the cheering and clapping slows to a stop. Along with this, the orchestra peters out, leaving the courtyard in silence.
Winston stands in silence for a moment, confused as to why the cheering stopped, but still smiling cheerfully. He turns to look at his statue, only to be met with shock, and horror. His likeness has been
The glittering gold of the statue of Winston has been given a few new additions in spray paint. A twiddly mustache rests atop his lip, and one of his eyes has been blackened. However, that's not the worst of it. All along his likeness, someone has spray painted words such as "ASSHOLE", "ABUSER", and "MANIPULATOR." Winston quickly turns, and begins to make a speach about 'overcoming adversity', and 'integrity.'
Back at Attack on Mango's house, Ruby cackles like a madwoman as she watches her ex-boyfriend try too save face on live TV.
Asuka steals a glance at her brother, noting a slight grin on his face. It quickly fades.
After a few more minutes of listening to Winston trying to save face, Ruby changes the channel. "If I listen to his voice any more, I'm going to hurl."
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