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//Well, it took some time to get this out of the oven. I deeply apologize for the long wait. I just had a budget issue. Outside of that, I do hope that you enjoy the pictures. Done by the super epic @Notetaker. Also, I couldn't help myself with a joke with you. Anyway, I do hope that you like these pictures.
1200 x 1423
File Size:
456.5 Kb
2 people like this.

You're the best, this was quite unexpected.
Pictured here is me beating Serendibite at Smash
Stinkling mains 4 lyfe
February 1, 2021

Nitroxus Soulspins
So glad that you love it. I heard that you loved Smash, so I figured that you would like it.
February 2, 2021