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Asuka Yakushi
on May 14, 2021
Art by baby. Battle edit by me.
Gen 4 remake hype.
Dimension: 728 x 846
File Size: 560.07 Kb
9 people like this.
Spirit Weaver
Spirit nods sagely at the challenge, before she sumMONS BLUE EYES WHITE DRAGON
Like May 14, 2021
Asuka Yakushi
Asuka moves knight to E4
Like May 14, 2021
Spirit Weaver
Hmm. Asuka was more wiley than Spirit had thought. She knew she had to go even further BEYOND.
Like May 14, 2021
Carmen Gumshoe
i’m gonna beat up their pets and have them pay me for it
Like May 14, 2021
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
Gray’s the guy with an army of metapods
Like May 15, 2021