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Searin Waves
on June 6, 2021
//Hey, Searin Waves [Searin for short] has arrived in town to spend some time with his Aunt Dream. He'll stay for a while before traveling to the next city - or maybe he'll stay for a while longer if he finds some friends. As a traveling Musician, the next gig is always waiting.. somewhere else. So say "Hi" if you see him because he might just be visiting for a short time. Time will tell...
Dimension: 1200 x 1028
File Size: 2.37 Mb
15 people like this.
Polo Fastter
long tail
Like June 6, 2021
Amity Guard
Amity waves at the new fren
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Searin Waves
*Searin waves back and smiles*
Like June 6, 2021