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Cakepop The Baker
on September 5, 2021
Press A to destroy the child
Dimension: 1022 x 760
File Size: 80.57 Kb
2 people like this.
you're using a fire-type move on a water-type? I mean, obviously yours is way higher level, but it's the principle of the thing
Like September 5, 2021
Cakepop The Baker
Yeah it was dumb, still a 1 hit KO though.
Like September 5, 2021
**demonic walks up with a press hat and notebook** "so how do you feel about using your enslaved animal to brutally beat up another helpless animal. do you think the event/injuries will traumatize either party? and yes, i am here on behalf of peta"
Like September 5, 2021
Cakepop The Baker
"He's very well cared for! He gets protein and berries after every battle!"
Like September 5, 2021
Mina May Marzipan
Like September 5, 2021