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Bright Brave
on December 4, 2021
Merry Christmas, and happy birthday CA. A PA, from CA’s most active member.
Meme by he is a meme king. And a very good boy. Better than me.
Dimension: 1200 x 1417
File Size: 5.16 Mb
5 people like this.
Nitroxus Soulspins
Pretty sure that I, Nitroxus Soulspins, is the most active user there Bright. //I still love photo.
Like December 4, 2021
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Bright Brave
And activity points really don’t count. Because the algorithm works against me and my never ending battle to be on top.
Like December 4, 2021
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
That just makes it even more annoying omg
Like December 4, 2021
Bright Brave
I’m sorry I don’t bring you joy Gray. I’ll stop pestering you. 😔
Like December 4, 2021