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Polo Fastter

Male. Lives in  Rainbow Falls,  Equestria. Born on December 16, 1999
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pony Lake Air Force base
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Ponies of Pony Town
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Polo Fastter
Polo Fastter
Polo prepares again by simply sitting in a chair this time he has gotten the new chair with a cup holding. He looks at the door as it swings open. "Took you long enough." #rp
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Polo Fastter
Polo had enough, He has a gun now. #rp
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Silver Shield
Silver stands next to Polo. "What's that?"
Like July 9, 2024
Polo Fastter
"A gun."
Like July 10, 2024
Silver Shield
"What does it do?"
Like July 10, 2024
Polo Fastter
"breaks things."
Like July 10, 2024
About fucking time
Like July 10, 2024
"Ooh! Are we nerding out about guns now?" Tality wheels out her mobile armory, opens it up and pulls out the first high-tech laser gun, eager to show off the amazing features of her private arsenal.
Like July 10, 2024 Edited
“Guh—you don’t accept card do you?” The orange earth pony just stares in fascination and delight, eyes darting around to look at everything at once.
Like July 10, 2024
"Wha-?" Tality stares dumbly at the orange pony, blindsided by the question. She glances at her armory, and back at the wannabe-customer, and shakes her head. "I uh, hate to get between an aficionado and kit of this caliber, but this private collection is part of the PAMZDI, the Ponyville Alien, Mon... View More
Like July 11, 2024 Edited
Olive Drab
The revolution has come
Like July 10, 2024
Polo Fastter
"The fog is coming dad..." Polo was outside the wagon while rubbing his head due to the damage that a tree lime caused to one of the wheels in the front. "And what do you mean by that Sivanro?"... View More
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Bright Brave
Bright was shooting at the fog.
Like June 29, 2024
Polo Fastter
The fog arrived rather quickly.
Like June 29, 2024
Polo Fastter
I was contemplating Polo again about changing his lore again... I probably will have him be a background oc.
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Bright Brave
Nuuuuuuuu! I like him as mane character. U3U
Like June 23, 2024
Polo Fastter
i know but, not really sure what to do now.
Like June 23, 2024
Polo Fastter
Demon lord arc. "Been about a year and things are working out, The food supply is steady, Water supply is plentiful,... View More
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Bright Brave
Like June 22, 2024
Tality leaps out of the bushes in her sneaking suit, attacking Polo with a can of bright yellow spray paint. In mere moments, he now looks like a bumblebee.
Like June 22, 2024
Like June 23, 2024
"There, that's for giving me an expired gift card."
Like June 23, 2024
Polo Fastter
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Bright Brave
Eat the griffons? I don't know bout yall. But I don't eat anything that talks.
Like June 22, 2024
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Like June 23, 2024
Ya know, I was just talking to Chrysalis the other day. She told me I was trying to hard, and I should just eat whatever I feel like, take whatever I can, and you know what? Maybe I have been denying myself for too long. So anyways, I may or may not now be responsible for a major international inci... View More
Like June 24, 2024 Edited
..Wait are you a changeling too, Tal??
Like June 24, 2024
Ice Wisp
Like June 22, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
I think that would be cannibalism.
Like June 24, 2024
Polo Fastter
Demon lord arc "Sir, the diamond dogs are taking more gems than giving. The cultists started summoning demons that were not under control. The Canterlot magic community is worried about black magic g... View More
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Bright Brave
Are they a reindeer?
Like June 19, 2024
Polo Fastter
just a deer
Like June 19, 2024
Polo Fastter
hmmmmm Maybe I do need to rant about something and not sure.
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Bright Brave
The cataclysm comes. Prepare your hearts and minds.
Like June 13, 2024
Polo Fastter
there is a version of Polo that is over powered but, he doesn't do much other than watch the multiverse like a tv. I will call him the Rift master
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Bright Brave
Like Rick Sanchez. Or the Watcher, from marvel.
Like June 10, 2024
Polo Fastter
Sort of the watcher
Like June 10, 2024
Bright Brave
Watch out. There are entities who watch back. 👁👁
Like June 10, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Does he gets a remote controller to change the channel?
Like June 10, 2024
Polo Fastter
Like June 10, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Like June 10, 2024
Am I his favorite bat to watch?
Like June 10, 2024
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Bright Brave
You're a bat?
Like June 10, 2024
Like June 10, 2024 Edited
Polo Fastter
Like June 10, 2024
King Artemis
Artemis' whole life is either CW sop or Hallmark Movie for this version of Polo. Guarentee
Like June 10, 2024
Polo Fastter
Hallmark Movie due to the budget thought it well written but, the cgi needs some work.
Like June 10, 2024
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