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Cherry Sour Pop
on December 29, 2021
this horse is a tiny horse (art done by: ) I love her :’>
Dimension: 1117 x 800
File Size: 620.86 Kb
14 people like this.
Lord Sting, master of Toonforce
Oh thats cool
Like December 29, 2021
Cherry Sour Pop
You know what’s cooler? You! You’re cooler. Have a great day! :D
Like December 29, 2021
Bryce (Awesome) Shades
Great things come in small packages cause even if she is smoll she is great!
Like December 29, 2021
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Bryce (Awesome) Shades
His eyes widened seeing the mare crash as he looked around, getting some water on his hoof and dabbing it onto her forehead trying to cool her down.
Like December 29, 2021
Cherry Sour Pop
Cherry blinked twice and seemed to reboot. “Aw, shucks, pal! Thanks for that. Sometimes my brain breaks.”
Like December 29, 2021
Bryce (Awesome) Shades
He chuckled at this as it seemed rather silly but he didn't mind as he offered to help her up. "No worries I'm sorry for breaking you like that, I just wanted to mess around with you a bit but I guess we got too into it heh, also kinda sad I broke you with trying to one-up you on who is more great, ... View More
Like December 29, 2021
Bright Brave
Tiny tiny cutie cutie
Like December 29, 2021
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Cherry Sour Pop
You’re so kind!!! Thank you 🥺🥺 I wanted to keep a simplistic design without her succumbing to cookiecutteritis
Like December 29, 2021
Bright Brave
Like December 29, 2021
Cherry Sour Pop
Like December 29, 2021
*Nods then gives thumbs up*
Like December 29, 2021
Cherry Sour Pop
“… but you— you don’t— THUMBS?!”
Like December 29, 2021
*It was a foam hand*
Like December 29, 2021