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on February 6, 2022
"Drowning fabulously so you can adore my legs in the meantime."
//piece done by Cycrus from derpi
Dimension: 1200 x 1437
File Size: 693.21 Kb
11 people like this.
Sukhoi and Sokol Sokov
"If you ask me, it look like you are doing hoof... Stand? But under water?" Sokol commented with a slightly confused look. "But I think you have nice leg-" His sister Sukhoi elbowed him in the side hard, causing him to shut up.
Like February 6, 2022
"Yes, you're right, though nopony must know!!! Let them think I'm in danger..." She said as she stuck her head out of the water, just above the surface. Mind smirked playfully. "No, no, please, go on... admit my legs are nice." She stick out her hind hoof far.
Like February 6, 2022
Sukhoi and Sokol Sokov
Sokol grinned and gave his sister a shove off to the side. "Idiot," she commented and rolled her eyes. No longer paying attention to his sister's disappointed remarks, the stallion turned back to Mind. "As I was trying to say, I think you have nice legs. I also like markings, very unique. What is yo... View More
Like February 6, 2022
Yami Crosshide
i admire the cup of juice in the background that looks orange with a hint of red that has a orange slice on it with a nice straw and its in a nice tallish curvyish glass
Like February 6, 2022
Like February 6, 2022
Asuka Yakushi
"I'm not saving your sorry ass if you actually drown."
Like February 6, 2022
Bright Brave
Like February 6, 2022