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on February 24, 2022
Art by FlashNote.
Dimension: 1200 x 573
File Size: 210.29 Kb
20 people like this.
Like February 24, 2022
Student/teacher fraternization is not permitted.
Like February 24, 2022
Apolune isn't a teacher though...
Like February 24, 2022
So you're saying there's a chance.
Like February 24, 2022
Stardusk Strider
Can i get the coolest new comic book please?
Like February 24, 2022
"Is there a title?"
Like February 24, 2022
Vanil interjected "Latest issue of Lazer Talon vs. Gunhoof: Dance of the Macaque Macabre"
Like February 24, 2022 Edited
"Excellent choice." Apolune admitted under her breath, snapping up a spell to retrieve the requested comic book.
Like February 24, 2022 Edited
Like February 24, 2022
Bryce (Awesome) Shades
"Well I have two things too add first off looking awesome as heck there, second why are your you librarians always do dang cute?"
Like February 24, 2022
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Bryce (Awesome) Shades
Bryce closed his eyes as he slowly threw his head back, backing up slowly before turning to a halt. "Aaahhhh....I saw it coming and I still decided to go for it anyways..." He chuckled as he shook his head. "Well guess it is what it is"
Like February 25, 2022
Apolune smiled wider. "At least you're a good sport about it. We can still talk, if you'd like."
Like February 25, 2022
Bryce (Awesome) Shades
He chuckled as he turned to look at her. "Well I mean it was well done and besides you could have egged me on but you didn't, at least it was short but still brutal heh but I wouldn't mind that either talking is always nice and always like having anypony to talk too."
Like February 25, 2022