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Astro Blitz
on September 4, 2022
//Remember, if you are ever feeling down. Just know that in the infinite space that is the multiverse, you get to live in the same reality in which I own not 1, not 2, not even 3, yet 22 Canterlot Avenue Stickers.
Dimension: 1200 x 900
File Size: 1.9 Mb
6 people like this.
(( You gonna share with the rest of the class?
Like September 4, 2022
Astro Blitz
//Never! I will keep all 22, I will just place them around the places I travel to. Except Japan, I will have to give them a mascot suit of Nitroxus, just because it would most epic.
Like September 4, 2022
Chiller Sway
I believe I own 5 of these little stickers myself
Like September 4, 2022
Astro Blitz
//Wait, that would leave just 3 left that are uncounted for. Who brought the other 3?
Like September 5, 2022
// *grins at my invoice spreadsheet*
Like September 5, 2022
:) I bought 1
Like September 6, 2022
They're beautiful
Like September 5, 2022
Astro Blitz
Yes, thank you.
Like September 5, 2022