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Bingo Drumsticks
on February 13, 2023
Hello everypony! It's been long overdue and I have finally joined. Looking forward to meeting you all, send me a message if you're interested in going on adventures!
Dimension: 1000 x 1000
File Size: 152.61 Kb
10 people like this.
Rough Winds
"what happened to your ear?"
Like February 13, 2023
Bingo Drumsticks
(This is my Fallout Equestria version of Bingo lol) "Ah, yes my ear> Can't forget that. Early into the apocalypse, while scavenging for supplies in what was left of Canterlot, I was chased. Perhaps because I may or may not have stolen food from somepony. Unfortunately for me, they were armed. But ... View More
Like February 13, 2023
Icy Creation
Is fellow damaged horn FoE unicorn Yay
Like February 13, 2023
Bingo Drumsticks
indeed :mlp_wink:
Like February 13, 2023
Welcome to the horse!
Like February 13, 2023
Welcome to the Ave!
Like February 13, 2023