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Misty Nights (PR)
on February 19, 2023
Greetings, everyone!
As HarmonyCon 2023 comes to a close, we want to take this moment to congratulate for becoming the Charity winner of our auction participation at HarmonyCon. For their contribution, they have been awarded the Charity Captain badge, which is a unique badge only available for charity auction winners!
We thank you, Dusty Sprinkles for your immense support for a charitable cause and we hope you enjoy your prizes! HarmonyCon will be providing all proceeds raised at the charity auction to DASH Network, which is providing support and housing to those seeking asylum in the US.
Dimension: 650 x 248
File Size: 146.16 Kb
10 people like this.
Like February 19, 2023
Snow Storm
Holy! That badge looks so pretty.
Like February 19, 2023
Like February 19, 2023
Also thanks to and for helping host our fun panel.
Like February 20, 2023