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Trip Wire
on April 4, 2023
Dimension: 540 x 405
File Size: 87.17 Kb
1 person liked this.
Ice Wisp
If I found a dead cat in a box I would cry. I love kitties so much.
Like April 4, 2023
Caramella Seashell
"But until you open the box, you don't know what's inside! It could be anything! It could be both alive and dead! In a superposition which is like a constant state of sleep paralysis!" "I call it...Trip-Wire's cat!"
Like April 4, 2023
Trip Wire
“Aw, you named the dead cat after me? That’s so sweet.”
Like April 4, 2023
Caramella Seashell
Cara didn't know if she should be upset that he took it that way, or relieved that he didn't think she was calling him a dead cat. "Uhhh, yesn't?"
Like April 4, 2023 Edited