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Trip Wire

Male. Lives in  Manehattan,  Equestria. Born on November 16, 1987
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About Me
Trip is your everyday stallion, just getting by.
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Trip Wire
Trip has finally been released for lack of evidence! #rp
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Trip Wire
Trip’s just sitting at his porch, watching. #rp
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She was watching them back. V seemed liked she had something she was wanting to ask, something that felt important to her. It’s just she was too hesitant too. Fear of something? Fear of what may happen after. “I..” even still the words refused to come out, her heart was racing. Why was this so diff... View More
Like February 21, 2024
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Trip Wire
Trip waited. He could tell something was up. Maybe she’d request him to look at some other issue with her fixer-upper house, or…? Whatever it was, she was obviously embarrassed about it. “…did something else break?” He cocked an eyebrow.
Like February 21, 2024
“Not exactly,” she murmured. This was all so hard for her to say. She was just screaming in her own head to just to get it out. She took a deep breath and decided to finally just get in with it. She had clenched her hand shut and closed her eyes before saying, “I- really, really like you.” A bit a ... View More
Like February 21, 2024
Trip Wire
“What?” Trip’s face immediately denoted a certain degree of shock. Out of all the things he could’ve expected, that was a card that he didn’t even know was on the table, and isn’t it a little late for a revelation like that? Valentines was last week… But… then Trip became pensive, his eyes lowered,... View More
Like February 22, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Spins watched back, desperate to win this staring contest.
Like February 21, 2024
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Trip Wire
Trip did not intend to enter a staring contest! He was just still thinking about that whole foie gras thing they talked about the other day. “I can’t live with this knowledge, Sprout”
Like February 21, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
At his next blink, Spins cheered. "What knowledge? And my name's Spinneret when nopony else is around."
Like February 21, 2024
Trip Wire
"Right. right... Spinneret." That's right, now he was allowed to use her hidden name! Anyway, he elaborated "That thing about... keeping hostages at the hive. I just find it fascinating." Trip nodded, seemingly lost in thought. "...Do they ever run out?" he wondered aloud.
Like February 22, 2024
The ling would've been busy balencing a Stack of card's on their head... Before just stacking everything He could find after running out of cards.
Like February 21, 2024
Trip Wire
“Are you done?” Trip rolled his eyes and sighed.
Like February 21, 2024
Dero looked, and grabbed his phone to hear some music.
Like February 22, 2024
Trip Wire
“Can you believe these guys???” Trip scoffed incredulously. “Questioning me for twelve hours… Pfft, and all because some random chick I went out with for Hearts’n hooves apparently disappeared that ni... View More
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Quick Buck
the good news was Quick didnt die, she just slept for three days straight
Like February 16, 2024
Trip Wire
Trip tried to explain to them that she’s just an extremely lazy individual, that she was most likely passed out somewhere. But, understandably, his argument sounded fake and they were giving him a hard time for it.
Like February 16, 2024
Amy Callihan
"Did you know that the large intestine is roughly five feet long. Keep talking about this topic and you'll have zero intestines in ya."
Like February 16, 2024 Edited
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Trip Wire
“Hoho, too soon, Amy?” Trip turned a pesky grin her way. “Those are some very incriminating words, coming from someone whose actor co-worker was found dead the morning of your movie’s premiere?” “…What do you think happened? Is someone struggling to leave the character they played behind?”
Like February 17, 2024
Amy Callihan
"Nah. However, it must not be too soon for a broken rib cage." She rolled up her sleeves. "The actor you speak of died by being battered three hundred and forty-two times. There were no shell casings or knife wounds. Besides, mister, "I go into the police station because they come juat ahort of ge... View More
Like February 17, 2024
Trip Wire
Trip refused to back off even though Amy was beginning to get on his face by stepping up to him with her chest against his. Clearly she was trying to intimidate him into taking a step back. He squinted his eyes, showing that she was at the very least annoying him a bit with her attitude. “Congratu... View More
Like February 17, 2024
"You're pretty much a black widow but in dude" the pegasus commented. "Can't blame the pigs for suspecting of you, I myself find it hard to believe you're innocent. The MO is pretty much yours as well" he added, rolling his eyes.
Like February 18, 2024
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Trip Wire
"Well, I understand how suspicious it looks..." Trip swirled whatever was left of his drink that was still inside the can.
Like February 18, 2024
"The evidence doesn't help your case, either. Heard they found your DNA in her" the pegasus snarked. "Honestly, I don't get why do you do what you do. I do my stuff to harvest alchemic compounds. Amy does because she's crazy. But what about you?" he asked tilting his head.
Like February 18, 2024
Trip Wire
Trip arched an eyebrow. He didn’t quite understand why Petricor felt the need to lie to him about ‘evidence’. It’s a missing pony’s case, nothing more. The tinkerer didn’t feel the need to elaborate on that, though. But he knew for a fact that there wasn’t a body. “Is that so…?” “…You shouldn’t b... View More
Like February 19, 2024
Eightbit (changeling #33147)
Eight stares you in the eyes for a moment, eyes squinting as if he's suspicious. "hmmmm...." Then he just shrugs "eh, it was probably you." Eight chuckles
Like February 18, 2024
Trip Wire
Trip smiled right back at him, “Really?”
Like February 18, 2024
Eightbit (changeling #33147)
Eight shrugs again "you ARE pretty suspicious, but i'm not a guard, so its hardly my problem" Eight reaches out and pats trips shoulder, grinning at him
Like February 19, 2024
Trip Wire
It’s way past midnight, but still far from sunrise too. Trip’s steps echo as he’s the only one walking down the street at this hour. He’s either on a midnight stroll, or coming back after a very lon... View More
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Val was sitting down on the ground next to a building, she appeared to have a birthday cake in one hand and a fork in the other. It was obviously from her own recent birthday, suppose as a way to treat herself. She did look up to notice Trip though. Doing a gentle wave with the fork in her hand whil... View More
Like February 14, 2024
Trip Wire
Trip had been sitting in front of the TV for 20 minutes straight. However, the TV was off. The stallion had been looking at his own reflection, also staring back at him. …What a woeful and boring da... View More
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//keep in hwere?
Like January 29, 2024
Trip Wire
Trip shamefully erases the number on the blackboard and replaces it with a zero. “You never change, Trip.” He mutters to himself.
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"Can't solve the equation, can we?" Petricor asked with a smug smile and a chuckle.
Like January 23, 2024
Trip Wire
Trip’s watching Drop play at the jungle gym. Just keeping an eye on him to make sure all is okay. #rp
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Ice Wisp
"Isn't that the jungle gym that's been closed because of an ant infestation?" Ice asked casually, taking a big sip from his slushy before walking off.
Like January 20, 2024
Trip Wire
Trip turned a side eye towards Ice Wisp. Why would anyone without a kid be visiting a Jungle Gym? Weirdo.
Like January 20, 2024
Ice Wisp
Little did Trip know that Wisp actually had seven beautiful kirin kids.
Like January 20, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"Hay, didn't expect to see you here!" Sprout trotted over to stand next to Trip.
Like January 20, 2024
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Trip Wire
Trip wasn't expecting to run into any acquaintances either. "Miss Sprout." he smiled politely, "What a lovely day, isn't it?"
Like January 20, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"That it is, Trip. That it is." She smiled, looking at a red hippogriff foal who had just started climbing on the jungle gym. "Remember your manners, Pan!" she called. The hippogriff rolled his eyes. "I know, Aunt Sprout."
Like January 20, 2024
Trip Wire
Trip couldn’t help but to notice the exchange. His eyes kept darting back and forth between Sprout and the boy. He didn’t intend to stare, but they didn’t bear any resemblance. “Oh, you got a sister?” the tinkerer inquired curiously.
Like January 20, 2024
"Oh no, that gym has leaded paint! I have been pressuring the townhall to hire somepony to de-paint that thing and repaint it with vynilic leadfree paint instead" said the teacher worried.
Like January 20, 2024
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Trip Wire
"Bah, it'll be fine." Trip nonchalantly scoffed. "It makes them stronger."
Like January 20, 2024
"Mr. Wire, don't be so careless about your children's health. Intoxication with lead is not thw kind of illness that 'makes them stronger'" the pegasus nagged
Like January 20, 2024
Trip Wire
Trip rolled his eyes, "Oh, nothing will happen to him. Look, he's just having a little fun there, by the ball pit..." the stallion pointed out. However, the ball pit was empty. Upon noticing that, Trip's eyes became round as plates, letting out a gasp of horror.
Like January 20, 2024
Trip Wire
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Amy Callihan
For someone who is such a tinkerer, I don't see him fixing a whole lot of important stuff. See the thing about the smoking thing, Amy can't even begin to fathom quitting. Cool kids unite. :rd_sunglasses:
Like January 13, 2024
Princess Starwatcher
40 to 50% is now my average on quizzes xp
Like January 13, 2024
Sometimes I surprise myself Owo
Like January 13, 2024
Trip Wire
Trip watching a case from Unsolved Mysteries, except this one isn’t an unsolved mystery for himself in particular. #rp
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Sprouting Bulb
Spinneret, who had been secretly squatting in Trip's house, peeked her head out. "Hay, is this one of the ones about me?"
Like January 8, 2024
Trip Wire
“Nah, this one’s about a creepy crawler. Apparently they were secretly squatting at someone’s home and, eventually, when the perpetrator got tired of their shenanigans, they brutally murdered them.” Trip turned a side eye at Sprout. “Crazy, ain’t it?”
Like January 8, 2024 Edited
Sprouting Bulb
"Oh yeah, that happened to my buddy Prosoma." She giggled. "'Course, ol' Proce got the sucker right in the jugular before he could escape, and she never had another intruder again."
Like January 9, 2024
"Told you, Zal never leaves a trace" commented the pegasus as he pet a black cat, sitting next to Trip
Like January 8, 2024
Trip Wire
“Everybody has their own theory.” Trip said, somewhat irritated.
Like January 8, 2024
"Instead of thanking us for getting rid of the evidence. How rude!" the black cat hissed as Petricor nodded in agreement.
Like January 11, 2024
"...They do know that There can be a Dragon hybrid of any creature right ?" Cotton said, as She was... Busy doing something nice ?, Washing Trip's dishes ? This was way out of Character for the Drabbit!
Like January 9, 2024
Trip Wire
“How is that relevant to the disappearance?”
Like January 9, 2024
"Nothin really, other than maybe taking them ?" The drabbit replied, using her ear's to try drying some dishes... hopefully without getting fur on them.
Like January 9, 2024
Trip Wire
Trip spends the evening building a mysterious contraption at his garage. Right next to him is his youngest son, Drop. Drop imitates his daddy’s every move with his toy toolkit. Meanwhile, Trip is usi... View More
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Amy Callihan
Amy was working too. In the corner of the room sat the mare. She fiddled with her own tools. She was practicing pulling teeth from that seemed like an equestrian skull with tweezers and a hammer.
Like January 3, 2024
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Trip Wire
Trip side glances. “Considering a career change?”
Like January 4, 2024
Amy Callihan
"Not at all. This is standard business. I'm in the corner so I don't scare the little guy. I am manhandling a head after all." She plucked another tooth before setting it on a tissue. "I make dead people beautiful again. I mean... I really go to town on them. It is only fair I make them whole agai... View More
Like January 4, 2024 Edited
Trip Wire
“I’m not an artistic type, Amy.”
Like January 5, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Spinneret, in a show of oneupmanship, disguised herself as a baby and imitated Drop's every move with tools cut from paper and hastily colored with markers.
Like January 6, 2024 Edited
Trip Wire
At one point, Trip looked over his shoulder and saw them. The expression he made said everything a thousand words wouldn’t finish explaining. “How did you get in here!?”
Like January 7, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"I'm an excellent lockpick," she answered.
Like January 7, 2024
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