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Polo Fastter
on May 1, 2023
I got a new pony
Their name is furby
Dimension: 1200 x 1200
File Size: 231.47 Kb
8 people like this.
Put them grippersaway!
Like May 1, 2023
Polo Fastter
The grippers will stay on
Like May 1, 2023
Calaco Fleethoof
The thought of a furby is only mildly alarming. I wonder what kind of stories you'll write with this one though. The art is really nice, did you do it yourself?
Like May 1, 2023
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Polo Fastter
art of a goo Mew
Like May 1, 2023
Calaco Fleethoof
Like May 1, 2023
Calaco Fleethoof
If you want to do a horror themed rp, let me know. I already have an irrational fear of furbys. It would be fun.
Like May 1, 2023
Sprouting Bulb
1. why does the horse have paws 2. do they have toe beans
Like May 1, 2023
Polo Fastter
1. Furby turn into a pony 2. not sure
Like May 1, 2023
Princess Starwatcher
Like May 1, 2023