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Nar Yakushi
on May 29, 2023
//Graphic Design is my passion.
Once again, the Explorers of the Equestrian Society of Extraplanar Exploration's North Branch find themselves huddled around a computer in their headquarters. When Nar enters the HQ on his way to look at today's jobs, he spots the crowd, and quickly becomes one of them as he attempts to read the words on the screen in the middle of them all.
It appears there's been some sort of urgent message posted on Astranet, the E.S.E.E's internal database, and right on the landing page too.
Once Nar has managed to read the message, one of the other explorers nudges him. "What do you think kinda stuff is going down in the Central Quadrant? Must be pretty bad if they're asking for all hands on deck." Nar shakes his head in response. "No idea. I don't get how they even spotted 'unusual behavior' in the first place. Nothing about the Astral Highway System is 'usual.'" To this, the other explorer nods. "True. We've been exploring this place for what, 300 or so years now? Yet, we still know practically nothing about it."
After a few hushed mummers from the crowd, the branches' seniormost member, a Gryphon by the name of Remas speaks up. "Alright then. Since we're pretty much all here, let's go ahead and decide who gets to go help the smug pricks from Central." The entirety of the HQ collectively groans at the thought, but it's not like they have much of a choice in the matter.
Around 11 names are listed off, mostly members with specific expertise in one, or more aspects of exploring. Nar has managed to zone out, as he knows he'd be one of the last guys to get picked for a job like this. He was the search and rescue guy.
"Nar." Silence.
"Nar!" More silence.
"You fucking dingus! Pay attention!" The claw slamming onto the table in front of Nar finally grabs his attention.
"You're the last member of the away team." Remas snarls in annoyance. "Woah, what? Are you sure about this?" Nar questions, more confused than anything. "You've got those fancy skates of yours, and your sense of direction, and experience in the Astral Highway System would make you a great scout for Central. We're sending you with the away team." Remas responds. This is met with a quick salute by Nar. "Aye Aye cap'n!" "You'd better put your arm back down before I tear it from your torso." #rp
Dimension: 1200 x 1500
File Size: 291.19 Kb