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So! Hello everyone. I've never actually participated in the brony fandom before, let alone this website, therefore not quite sure if I'm doing it right, but still feel a need for an introduction.My name is Sharp Glint, I write fanfiction, draw a bit, like cozyness, tea and to work late at night. I've come back to Equestria for the first time in years, and this is what I look like on unexpected photos! :>/disclaimer: art neither here nor in the upcoming introductory post about this OC is mine, all of it is created using a maker app. However, I do plan on creating art of Sharp Glint and her family myself. Someday. When the stars will align. Yeah! :D/
In Album: Sharp Glint's Timeline Photos
Categories: Digital Art, Original Characters (OCs)
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549.56 Kb
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Amy Callihan
Hope you enjoy! People round here are a bunch of goobers but enjoyable goobers usually.
June 1, 2023

Sprouting Bulb
willkommen :3
June 1, 2023

Welcome to the Ave, Sharp Glint! Feel free to reach out if you need anything.
June 3, 2023

Welcome! Very cute design!
June 3, 2023