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UPDATEThis is the more exciting one. I'm proud to announce the first few steps towards a sleeker, cleaner experience on CA and towards promoting the amazing creative works you all make. In the sidebar, you'll now see collapsible submenus! They are as follows:- StoriesThis section contains a link to letters marked specifically as Lore, in addition to all Friendship Letters. Browse the amazing stories everyone here writes. Lore Gang represent!- ArtThere are so many amazing artists in our community. Here, you can navigate to view all art, original content, and even see commission info sheets! Go commission your favorite artists!!!- Site InformationThis section contains a bunch of existing links like rules and staff info.~Comp
Categories: Projects
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2 people like this.

Novaya Zemlya
Neat update. The top of the left menu has a funny looking banner though, dunno how long its been there or if its intentional but yeah, looks kinda wack. It shows up no matter which page I go to 

July 30, 2023

Novaya Zemlya
Also found a bug, none of the posts from this page show up in the feed unless shared by a user but it looks like you're aware of that already
July 30, 2023

Not to worry. Next up is addressing page stuff.
July 30, 2023

Nitroxus Soulspins
Now this, puts a smile on my face.
July 31, 2023