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i wanna do angst and drama - any takers?
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if there is murder included, sure
September 27, 2022
Carmen Gumshoe
let’s turn the boardwalk RP we had with Jokul into a terrible tragedy where the Ferris wheel comes off its bolts and rolls over everyone but Jokul and Carmine and now they’re plagued with horrible survivor’s guilt
September 27, 2022

Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
Celebrity roast! When???
September 27, 2022

Hard pass
September 27, 2022
Silver Bullet miss youuuu
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16 people like this.
Novaya's eyes moved back and forth between the blank piece of paper on the table in front of her and the old polaroid next to it. The pen in her mouth wobbled slightly as her lip quivered. She was hesitant. The mare had attempted to write this a thousand times already, but could never find the strength to put her thoughts and feelings into words…
Closing her eyes she sighed heavily, the air escaping her lungs in uneven bursts.
No, she couldn't burst into tears and give up again. It had to be done. She couldn't keep running. The best way to move on was to let her feelings out.
With a heavy heart and tearful eyes, she put down the pen and looked at the paper in front of her, now filled with scribbles. Novaya quickly averted her gaze, not being able to stand looking at it.
Did she feel any better now that she'd finally written something?
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I initially wrote this 3 years ago on my main character but hid it away after multi-chars became a thing.... and forgot about it until just now c':
:pleading_face::sob: Novaya has officially made me cry, shame on her
May I commission you please?
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Your privacy settings makes it impossible for me to respond to your DM, might wanna fix that. That aside, I'm not doing commissions atm.
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Now we only need a highschool AU, the Christmas and halloween specials, and the beach episode of course!
baby carmine was such an asshole, anything that happens to adult carmine is just karma
Hi. I'm looking for one (1) new RP 👀
My preference is decently long replies (at least one paragraph) with meaningful character interactions and an overarching plot being the main focus. My replies c... View More
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I would ask, but I feel out of your league on character development 😓
Hi, I just made a Discord server for when I stream art (and for general hang out) I'll also post when I open commissions on there in the future :eyes: Hope you guys wanna join! View More
Zah's server
Check out the Zah's server community on Discord - hang out with 17 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.
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Doing sketchy character busts for a bit
Post a picture of your character and which expression you'd like them to have - or alternatively you can write a couple sentences about what your character is... View More
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asteria ofc ; she has a tendency to be a big "jerk." she's easily frustrated, and despite her best interests, she finds herself getting frustrated at things other ponies cant help. she's pretty smart, but doesn't give herself enough credit and just acts like a big moron when shes around others
sure i guess, polo would look like he witness someone with god power and saying nope as he leave the place.
July 6, 2021
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