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Cally Ber
on August 5, 2023
Dimension: 1200 x 1332
File Size: 95.5 Kb
9 people like this.
Vy Thresh
Ahah, yeaaah
Like August 5, 2023
Ephemeria Spring
if you leave over good things i am disappointed
Like August 5, 2023
Cally Ber
More of a joke on seeing what it was and not the outcome. It's very professional how it was handled I think? I don't know how it was handled, but the problems gone and staying gone.
Like August 5, 2023
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
It was indeed handled professionally and well. Still can't believe all that happened under all our... uhh... snouts.
Like August 5, 2023 Edited
Professional isn’t how I’d put it exactly, but you don’t have the full story
Like August 5, 2023
just like me fr
Like August 5, 2023
Rough Winds
Im around pretty often, i just dont bother with the affairs of mortals.
Like August 5, 2023