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Misty Nights (PR)
on August 29, 2023
Greetings Everyone!
We want to take this moment to congratulate for becoming the Charity winner of our auction participation at Everfree NW. For their contribution, they have been awarded the Charity Captain badge, which is a unique badge only available for charity auction winners, which allows early access to future updates, unlimited character slots, and so much more!
In addition to this, they have earned exclusive Canterlot Avenue swag, including a poster, two prototype T-shirts, and the physical copy of a story written at Everfree NW, as well as art to go with it!
These unique stories and art pieces will be posted later this week, so stay tuned!
We thank you, Iron Dragon for your immense support for a charitable cause and we hope you enjoy your prizes! Everfree NW will be providing all proceeds raised at the charity auction to the Washington Autism Alliance. The Washington Autism Alliance supports families by expanding access to healthcare and education services for children and adults with autism spectrum disorders and other developmental disabilities.
Dimension: 650 x 248
File Size: 144.53 Kb
9 people like this.
Like August 29, 2023
It was great seeing everyone at Everfree NW. Congrats Iron!
Like August 29, 2023
Princess Starwatcher
Like August 29, 2023
Ghostbit approves of this!
Like August 29, 2023