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Pinkamena Diane "Pinkie" Pie
on February 2, 2024
Pinkie opened the oven, carefully taking out the freshly baked batch of velvet-vanilla-choco-berry cupcakes (Her special mix!). Hearts and Hooves month had just begun, so of course as prep, Pinkie was preparing Sugarcube Corner for the upcoming holiday! After letting the cupcakes cool, frosting them and adding pink and red heart sprinkles, she officially opened the bakery for the day! Gradients of pinks, whites and red frilly heart streamers were hung up all over the store. Heart balloons were tied up in the corners as matching confetti littered the floor. Pinkie was dressed up herself for the occasion, too! Some of the heart confetti was sprinkled in her mane like glitter, her usually white apron was switched out for a plush heart design, white and blue frills at her shoulders as she stood cheerfully at the counter. "Happy Hearts 'n Hooves day! Care for a cupcake? They're freshly bakeeed! Hehe!" #rp
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"W..Where are you!?, All I see is pink Now!" He exclaimed, blinded by the bright color's!
Like February 4, 2024
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"I think I'll meet ponies ?, And other creature's maybe ? "
Like February 6, 2024
Pinkamena Diane "Pinkie" Pie
"Exactly! It'll be so fun!!" She'd sigh wistfully, "Ah...the beauty of parties..."
Like February 6, 2024
"I wouldn't say that, Since most folk think I'm scary looking... well Except Fluttermum."
Like February 7, 2024
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
Heyyy, I'll try one! I'm sure Skystar would love a few too. *I would take one and try it.*
Like February 5, 2024
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Pinkamena Diane "Pinkie" Pie
She'd gasp "Skystar! Hiya!" She waved a hoof excitedly, hopping over to her. "How have you been!?"
Like February 6, 2024
Skystar, The Hippogriff Princess
*She would hug the pink poofy pony.* Wonderful! I actually got married to Stickman over there! We have a wonderful family now.
Like February 6, 2024
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
Skystar, hon, you really gotta try these cupcakes! They're amazing!
Like February 6, 2024
Newmoon Winter
"Sure. I'll take two to go for Lil Sapph and Silverspark. And can I get an apple crumb pie and a green tea for here?" I asked with a smile.
Like February 6, 2024
Pinkamena Diane "Pinkie" Pie
"Absolutely positutely! " She giggled and nodded, dashing into the back of the bakery to get the pie and tea. In what seemed like a second, she trotted back out, apple crumb pie and green tea in hoof as she placed them both on the counter, adding in two of the cupcakes in special Hearts and Hooves d... View More
Like February 6, 2024
Newmoon Winter
"Quick as ever Pinks." I said with a smile as I paid the bits. I put the cupcake bags into my cloak, then took my pie and cup of tea to an empty table.
Like February 6, 2024
Honey Seep
"Oooh would I ever!" Honey Seep said, carrying in a box of honey and wearing a big grin on her face, almost big enough to match Pinkie's. She set the box down gently and followed up by saying. "I also got that box of honey for you too! All right here!" She then patted the box before making her way t... View More
Like February 6, 2024
Pinkamena Diane "Pinkie" Pie
"Awesome, thanks! Take as many as you like, I got plenty more!" She'd giggle, lightly sliding over the large display tray of the cupcakes. "So, how have you been? I hope it's something fun!"
Like February 7, 2024
Honey Seep
Honey's eyes would widen as she looked to the display of cupcakes in awe, trying to figure out which one she would try first. While she was deciding, she'd answer Pinkie's question by saying. "I've been great, thanks for asking! The bees have been suuuper nice and we got a lot more honey this season... View More
Like February 7, 2024