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Newmoon Winter

Female. Lives in  Ponyville,  Equestria. 36 years old
Natural born alicorn
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Me as in the IRL me? Well, I'm a digital background artist (eclipsewinterarts on FurAffinity) by trade and have a hand in making the odd YouTube (CRPMedia & CRPMedia2) video as well. I also do 4 streams a week on Kick (newmoon-winter) as well.
Roleplay Universe
Canon (Alternate Universe)
Roleplay Type
Narrative Multi-Paragraph
User Achievements
Ponysquare Refugees
438 Members
Newmoon Winter
#rp It had been a few hours after the incident with Lil Sapph's alter changeling ego left her for good. I was busy making pizzas for everypony down in my gramps training gr... View More
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Brightspark:just arriving with Both Sunspark and Flurry Heart Brightspark insisted in flying the chariot with her son while Flurry hangs out in the passenger seat Silverspark:sitting outside watching her twin's arrival and see Flurry and Sun she is too sitting her own kids she sat with her daughte... View More
Like July 21, 2024
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Sprouting Bulb
Spins was thoroughly beat after several rounds of beach volleyball, having instead pulled out her beach chair. She'd been relaxing ever since, waiting for her date with Pipp. Rain was in the middle of trying to teach herself how to swim. Harmony has had to pull her out seven times now, though it'... View More
Like July 21, 2024
Newmoon Winter
"Yeah, sure. What do you want on your pizzas?" Harmony: "it's clear you're struggling. You still want to do this on your own Rain?" Zidoshi: "sounds like there's a lot of activity coming from out egg." He said as he sat next to his wife holding a small pizza with his magic.... View More
Like July 21, 2024
Brightspark:"you know get me my mother's special "she said "and what ever Flurry wanted once we set her out of the passenger seat "she said Sunspark:gone to the door opening it for Flurry heart "watch your step Flurry "he told her
Like July 21, 2024
*squints* You trying to poison the town?
Like July 21, 2024
Newmoon Winter
"I would never poison Bridlewood. Besides, this is more of a family and friends kind of pizza party. Homemade crust, fresh ingredients, and baked in my brick oven. Want one?
Like July 21, 2024
Newmoon Winter
#rp It had been about a week since the events of Maretime Bay Day occurred. Life seemed to settle down, that is until I was awakened by a knock on the front door early morning. I let out a yawn and m... View More
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Sprouting Bulb
Spins, who had stayed up all night texting Pipp, stumbled to the front door. "Noom? Izzere somepony?" She blinked, looking at Sapph. "Oh!! Hi Sapph!! You look diffrent." She stumbled in for a hug.
Like June 28, 2024
Newmoon Winter
Lil Sapph: "y-yeah. Welcome to the new me, I guess. Though I still can't seem to get rid of this one fang no matter how I try." She said nervously as she hugged Spinneret. "Well, come on in." I said as I stepped aside.
Like June 28, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Spins chuckled. "Well, I think it's cute," she said as she stumbled backwards. Spinneret Jr trotted over to the door. "Queen Mother, Queen Sakura would like you to know tha--" She stopped in her tracks and bowed. "Your Majesty."
Like June 28, 2024
Shifter Burnside
Shift would be watching from his car. Showtime.
Like July 5, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
continue here "Well, it's either that or you talk to me." Sprout smiled softly at Gusty. #rp
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Newmoon Winter
Gusty: "o-okay. C-c-can I show you something while the other classmates are outside?"
Like June 7, 2024
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Sprouting Bulb
Sprout nodded. "Of course. But afterwards, there are some questions I need to ask..."
Like June 7, 2024
Newmoon Winter
Gusty: "o-okay." She said nervously. She lets out a sigh before opening her shoulder bag. A tuxedo cat with red eyes crawls out of the bag. Haru (cat speech): "about time. It was very stuffy in there." She said before she started giving herself a cat bath.
Like June 7, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
Sprout smiled. "I see!" She looked at Haru. "May I pet you, miss?"
Like June 7, 2024
Newmoon Winter
#rp Over the past few months I've been helping my counterpart and Pinkie build and prepare a brand new restaurant. I wiped my brow as I looked at the finishing touch. "I don't know about the name, bu... View More
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Sprouting Bulb
Spinneret, Elytron, and myself approached the cafe. "Lookin good!" Spins beamed. " really settled on that name, huh?" I mumbled.
Like May 13, 2024
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Newmoon Winter
Eclipse: "thanks." She said with a smile. "Yeah, it just stuck. It was either this or Tohru's Tavern. Since we're not selling alcohol, that other name just fell flat Zennec."
Like May 13, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"No, I mean it just feels a bit tacky." I shrugged. "I get copyright laws aren't multiversal, but...I dunno..." "Don't listen to her," Spins said. "She doesn't even like copyright laws!" "Well yeah, but you'd expect something named after Dragon Maid to at least have a consistent Dragon Maid the... View More
Like May 13, 2024
Newmoon Winter
Eclipse: "well, since this is a cosplay cafe, the theme will change from time to time, but the business name won't." "Why not both? Package could be Kana, and Sakura could be Ilulu." Eclipse: "I don't know about that... but if they want to help out and be waitresses, I'm fine with that. I'm cookin... View More
Like May 13, 2024
Shifter Burnside
“Hey. Nice place. Why’d you pick that name tho?” (Edited to make more interesting)
Like May 13, 2024 Edited
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Newmoon Winter
Eclipse: "cause my otaku mind thought it'd be catchy- o-oh, are you a customer? Sorry, but we're not fully ready to open to the public just yet."
Like May 13, 2024
Shifter Burnside
“No, but I am interested.”
Like May 14, 2024
Newmoon Winter
Eclipse: "we open in about a week."
Like May 14, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
#rp Meanwhile, in the far future... "Alright, Hasen, Comet, I've finally nailed down the year in which magic was restored. Location: Newmoon's training grounds. Next to... View More
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Royal Guard:had a spear out at Sprout "halt who goes their friend or foe to Princess Silverspark and the white Rabbit Kingdom ?"he asked
Like March 23, 2024
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Sprouting Bulb
Sprout held her hooves up. "F-friend! Friend! Aunt, even! S-Silverspark's aunt! Sprouting Bulb!" She looked around nervously. "Wh-who are you and what are you doing here?!"
Like March 23, 2024
Newmoon Winter
Hasenpfeffer: "what year?" He asked as he nibbled on a carrot. "It's been a while since he passed away...." I said as I sat in the library looking at the photos of me and Argyle, and copies of him and Sunny. My ear flicks. "Seems like somepony is coming..."
Like March 23, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"You know," Comet said, "I have no idea. Mom didn't say the exact year, just that it magic was back." In Zephyr Heights, Spins woke up to her radio alarm in her apartment. "Gooooood morning, Zephyr Heights! The skies are clear, perfect for an early-morning fly--"... View More
Like March 23, 2024
Newmoon Winter
#rp Zidoshi frantically pounds on Pheromone's door in Sakura's hive. "Pheromone! Open the bucking door! We need to talk about something hella important."
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Sprouting Bulb
Pheromone opened her door. "Z...Zidoshi?!" She wrapped her forelegs around him, hugging him tight. "Oh, Ziddy, I missed you so much!!!!'
Like March 18, 2024
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Newmoon Winter
Zidoshi: "yeah, well, I suppose I do too. So what the hell is a changeling foal doing with my coat and mane colors? I know we porked a while back, but I didn't think... is she.... y-you know... ours?"
Like March 18, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"'s been a long time since then, but I do remember there being an egg that wouldn't hatch for moons...wait, Actias did hatch from that one! She, she could be ours!!" Pheromone squeezed Zidoshi. "Oh this is amazing! We might have a daughter!!!"
Like March 18, 2024
Newmoon Winter
Zidoshi: "you mean that monstrosity that is under Chrysalis's eye is our foal???" He said in awe.
Like March 18, 2024
Newmoon Winter
#rp I waited patiently - okay maybe not so patiently - for my coltfriend to meet me near the overpass of Maretime Bay. "He's not going to show... probably on some expedition again. Geez, Sunny and Hi... View More
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Sprouting Bulb
Rain Check peeked out of Newmoon's bag. "'e's takin' 'is sweet time, that's for sure...never was much of a gentlecolt, huh?"
Like March 2, 2024
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Newmoon Winter
"Huh? Oh, hey Rain Check. Yeah. He's focused on his studies like me." I said with a smile.
Like March 2, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
" two really are perfect for each other." She ducked back into the bag as a few ponies walked by.
Like March 2, 2024
Newmoon Winter
"Y-yeah. I'm also kind of anxious to hear about how Sunny is doing."
Like March 2, 2024
Shifter Burnside
Shift was just passing by the overpass in a 1982 Marmon COE, in his usual trucker uniform. “Hey, I think I saw your hoss at the caves, shall I give im a piece of yer mind?”
Like March 3, 2024
Newmoon Winter
"No need. If he's in the caves that means he's on one of his research expeditions."
Like March 3, 2024
Shifter Burnside
“Oh, okay. I’ll just get on with this delivery. Bye!”
Like March 6, 2024
Newmoon Winter
"See you around."
Like March 6, 2024
Tide Moon:sitting on his mother's back hidden under her cloak has his horn magically hidden so he could stay with Newmoon and also have a father thanks to his older sister Silver marrying Argyle and Newmoon together back at the castle "mom are you sure Dad is coming ?"he asked
Like March 4, 2024
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Newmoon Winter
"I'm quite sure, Moontide. Unless he's gone on an expedition. You know how much he's interested in Equestria's history."
Like March 4, 2024
Tide:"I hope so I don't mind doing all these travels with you especially going between Bridlewood here and to the training grounds and of course that one visit to Canterlot and below the sewers did Silver really had to ask to bring those things to her kingdom's most secured area ?"he looked at Newm... View More
Like March 4, 2024
Newmoon Winter
"You mean Glacial and her three siblings? Yeah. Since magic is gone, the cage they were in was starting to fail, and they had to be moved." I said with a sigh. "You know, you could have Sparks make you a pendant so you can come with me as an earth pony and be able to switch between the two forms." ... View More
Like March 4, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
((continuing from the broken chitin thread, since i'm getting tired of scrolling through all that 9-9)) "...let's go sledding!" Elly smiled wide. "I bet it's like, a LOT of fun!" #rp
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Newmoon Winter
Starshine: "it is a lot of fun." She said with a smile as she guides Elly to the edge to take of their skates.
Like February 28, 2024
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Sprouting Bulb
Elly removed her skates. "I can't wait to sled with you, Shine!"
Like February 29, 2024
Newmoon Winter
Starshine: "you're going to love it." She said as she took off her skates. "We have this sledding course that's got lots of fun jumps and twists and turns. And there's also sleds for two ponies."
Like February 29, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"Ooh! Are we doing one of those?!"
Like February 29, 2024
Newmoon Winter
#rp After what seemed like forever, things finally started to move, like pieces on a chessboard. After using the last remaining canister of what magic I saved up, I turned myself into an earth pony a... View More
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Shifter Burnside
“I have seen your loss, and I can heal your love. Now, take me to his last resting place,” Said Shift after he found her.
Like February 6, 2024 Edited
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Newmoon Winter
"Without magic it's near impossible to bring back a corpse... I-I watched the light fade from his eyes..." I said with a sigh. "B-but if you insist. He's buried at the Maretime Bay Cemetery."
Like February 6, 2024
Shifter Burnside
“Thank you for your guidance. If everything goes correctly, your love will be alive and well by tomorrow morning. Goodbye, and I hope I will not need to visit you again, or at least for this purpose.”
Like February 6, 2024
Newmoon Winter
"Thanks. The epitaph should read Starshine."
Like February 6, 2024
Silverspark: It had been several months since she seen her mom after doing a bit of traveling with her husband and also taking her own daughter Moondove who slept on her back but getting so many texts from Newmoon about what happened to the earth pony she had to be her she knocked on the door "Nigh... View More
Like February 7, 2024
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Newmoon Winter
Night Dusk: "even though your mother gave me that special potion to extend my life, I still feel the effects of aging..." he complained as he stretched, his joints popping and cracking. "And yes I have your saddlebag." I opened the door, again wiping the tears away. "Yes- wait, Silver? W-what bring... View More
Like February 7, 2024
Silverspark:looking up she sees her mom opening the door "hey Mom we thought to come by we thought you needed cheering up "she said pulling Newmoon into a big hug she may not see her heart but she knows Newmoon is having sad one "sorry for lost I brought you something you might like "she told her on... View More
Like February 7, 2024
Newmoon Winter
"That's nice of you guys." I said with a sigh as I hugged Silver back. I looked up. "Long time no see Moondove. You'll have to excuse my earth pony form. I used the last of my canisters to go into this form." I said as I slowly stepped to the side so everypony could come in.
Like February 7, 2024
Newmoon Winter
#rp I let out a sigh at my new permanent mane and tail color in the window's reflection. With magic sealed away, the color I once has faded to almost white in color. It had been years since saw any o... View More
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Sprouting Bulb
A knock on the door. Two knocks. Two hooves frantically knocked on the door.
Like January 14, 2024
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Newmoon Winter
I shook my head and walked to the front door to open it. "I wonder who's at the door."
Like January 14, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
There at the door stood Pretty Pink and Sprouting Bulb, shivering in the cold temperatures. "...m-may we c-come in?" Sprout asked. Pink held a green envelope in her teeth.
Like January 14, 2024
Newmoon Winter
"Aren't you two a sight for sore eyes." I said with a smile, before stepping aside. "What's the envelope for, Elly?"
Like January 14, 2024
Royal Guard: a unicorn Looking at the address that was written on a piece of paper and the painted cottage "I hope that Mare is right about this place she seemed pretty persistent that her mother should know what happened "he said then he knocked on the door "excuse me Miss Winter I am River Rush... View More
Like January 15, 2024
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Newmoon Winter
I let out a sight as I go to open the door. "Yes, that would be my daughter, Silverspark."
Like January 15, 2024
River Rush:"you daughter got into quite a pickle Ma,am some bandit ponies surrounded her just before she passed out she had to send some pony to come find you "he said
Like January 15, 2024
Newmoon Winter
"And you're the one that was sent." Give me a moment to pack my medical bag, and get my bow.
Like January 15, 2024
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