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Sweet Muffin
on April 10, 2024
if you guys don't know- I'm living with childhood diabetes, specifically type2,I take insulin, I'm actively working hard and as of he past two weeks my blood sugars have been either way under 200 in the mornings and just a little before or above it at night.
Im proud of myself, for making the right changes and trying my hardest, no matter how much my dad says I'm not doing things enough to keep my blood sugars in "the golden zone" I'm still proud I'm trying, I've lost what feels like 3 pounds since summer, and I'm getting more active. I love myself for who I am, especially of what's inside.
Dimension: 800 x 800
File Size: 26.71 Kb
3 people like this.
Question, what does the circle mean?
Like April 10, 2024
Sweet Muffin
it's the symbol for diabetes and the mascot logo for the "world diabetes day" site
Like April 10, 2024
Rosie Posie
Good job! Have an upvote :D
Like April 10, 2024 Edited