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Bright Brave
on September 6, 2024
can have a python
Dimension: 1200 x 1600
File Size: 232.64 Kb
2 people like this.
Thanks, but perhaps consider that Vanil is looking for a different kind of "python"~ That's right it's time to write code ... View More
Like September 6, 2024
Bright Brave
Vanil is officially a nerd.
Like September 7, 2024
She has glasses, therefore she can infiltrate their ranks with ease, especially if said clique has 0 females. One pair of glaases, and she's a social chameleon. What can Bright do?
Like September 7, 2024
Bright Brave
The official statement from CA moderators is, "Don't ask."
Like September 7, 2024