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Eric Cartman
February 4, 2018
17 votes 59 views
1 person liked this.
Solar Blaze
I don’t even know how they look :D
Like February 4, 2018
they look really detailed, like the original equestria girls promotions, so im assuming the animation isnt gonna change very much
Like February 4, 2018
Pinkie Pie (Werepony)
((I am very sad and scared but also a little excited))
Like February 4, 2018
Briea Lyn Miller
//your nervouscited!
Like February 4, 2018
Pinkie Pie (Werepony)
Like February 4, 2018
Pinkie Pie (Werepony)
((Well, more of the nervous than the cited, but still~))
Like February 4, 2018
Regel Jewel
I didn't even know there was a gen 5 coming. I'll check it out, might be good.
Like February 4, 2018
Desert Thorn
I feel like there's a ton of potential for it but that I honestly won't enjoy it that much. Others probably will love it but as for me? It'll just be okay.
Like February 6, 2018