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March 14, 2018
16 votes 390 views
1 person liked this.
Orion Pink
Arizona is my first choice, but next choice is Velvet
Like March 14, 2018
Thundy The Griffon
I really wanna play it...hope it comes out for Mac soon...
Like March 14, 2018
Crimson Night
Like March 14, 2018
Desert Thorn
iirc, Mac & Linux ports are one of their top priorities (after story mode I think?) and their goal is to have both ports out sometime this year.
Like March 17, 2018 Edited
Desert Thorn
Paprika main myself <3 I'm pretty bad at the game tbh, still fun though.
Like March 17, 2018
this needs more shit. . . for like i bought the game! but it's a unfinhsed peace of shit
Like June 2, 2018
Desert Thorn
I mean... yeah there isn't a story mode but the actual fighting is pretty damn fluid. Dev's are actively updating it too. For a cheap indie fighting game I'm hella satisfied.
Like June 2, 2018