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City Bread
August 28, 2018
6 votes 323 views
Oh hey they added a description box, noice.
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I normaly don't put pepper on my meat.
Like August 28, 2018
Phoenix Genevieve
Salt, then chili flakes, then hot sauce I actually don't use black pepper for much. Not spicy enough. It's pretty good in salad, though.
Like August 28, 2018
City Bread
I typically use chilli flakes but I gotta get some actual hot sauce, that stuff goes well with basically any kind of meat.
Like August 28, 2018 Edited
Desert Thorn
Salt and then... not pepper. Ultimately it depends on the food, let's just go with beans. I like to add crushed red peppers and some hot sauce. Maybe a tiny bit of cumin? Oregano is a favorite of mine to add to stuffs too.
Like August 29, 2018 Edited
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City Bread
Ohwait you took that seriously. For real I'm more or less a powerbuilder, considering in doing a powerlifting competition soon, probably sometime next year. Though there's a Strongman competition opening nearby this September for beginners, gotta bulk up as much as I can since Strongman doesn't even... View More
Like August 29, 2018
Desert Thorn
Sarcasm isn't my strong suit, at least not with written text ^^" Best of luck getting ready for the competition!
Like August 29, 2018
City Bread
Strongman is much more dynamic than say...powerlifting, so let's hope I don't die. Thanks!
Like August 29, 2018