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Littchie Von Bleed
November 9, 2018
5 votes 319 views
Its been about a month since my last real drawing should I try to do it again?
6 people like this.
Desert Thorn
Yush <3 Of course ^^
Like November 9, 2018
Bright Brave
Like November 9, 2018
Littchie Von Bleed
Wow....didnt think anyone actually cared about my drawings given how bad they are XD
Like November 10, 2018
I enjoy watching it :3
Like November 10, 2018
Littchie Von Bleed
Well who doesn't like watching someone struggle XP
Like November 10, 2018
Desert Thorn
All creative expression is a beautiful thing in itself, regardless of experience. In time you'll learn how to express more the thing you imagined. For you, I went back through papers of mine and I found 3 'early' drawings. I say 'early' because these are still with some experience. I believe most of... View More
Like November 10, 2018